
New post(Five recently updated announcements, please click more for other latest announcements)

[Promotion Education] Biomedical Statistics SPSS Software Application Credit Class Welcome to register!!!
Published on July 9, 2024
[Admissions] Online Admissions Briefing for Master of Public Health Program
Published on July 9, 2024
🎊congratulation to student Ching-Hsun Liu of MPHreceived the Outstanding Service Contribution Award from National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University
Published on May 28, 2024
[Notice] " 2024 Global Public Health Week & FPHSA Annual Gathering" event announcement, welcome to register!!
Published on April 01, 2024  
[Notice] "2024 Theory and Technique Taiwan Forum on Sustainable Environment, T &T TFOSE" event announcement, welcome to register!!
Published on March 15, 2024  
[Admissions] National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University Master’s Examination Admission Oral Exam Date Announcement for the 113th Academic Year
Published on February 1, 2024  
🎊Congratulations to Kao, Yu-Chien, a graduate of this program, for participating in the 16th TSC Thesis Award in 2023 and winning the Dissertation Excellence Award in the Biotechnology and Medical Industry category.
Published on November 06, 2023

Post(For overdue announcements, only the last five are displayed. To view other announcements over the years, please click more)

[Admissions] National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University’s 113th academic year master’s program admissions and entrance examination related announcement website
Published on September 14, 2023

Student Ching-Hsun Liu of MPH / Global Health Diplomacy Summit and the WHO Public Health Pharmacy Action Group
Published on August 31, 2023
Student Ying Ying Lee of MPH/Seeing healing from the experience of illness
Published on June 30, 2023
🎊Congratulations to Teacher Yi-Fang Chuang for guiding this student Kang-Chen Fan paper to be published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience!
Published on June 6, 2023
[Internship] Teachers Chen, Yun-Yi and Lin,Kuan-Chia guided this course student Kao, Yu-Chien internship results to be published in a poster at ISQua’s 39th International Conference; oral presentation at the seminar: Yushan Medical and Health Management Society Member Conference and Academic Seminar
Published on May 27, 2023