Professor Yu-Chi Chen



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(02) 2822-9973

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國立陽明大學 護理學系所博士 (2005/9/13-2010/7/16)

國立陽明大學 社區護理研究所碩士 (1998/9/15-2000/6/10)

國立陽明大學 護理學系學士 (1993/9/15-1997/6/15)


○ 國立陽明交通大學護理學院教授 (2021/8/1-迄今)

○ 陽明大學護理學院副教授 (2017/2/1-2021/7/31)

○ 陽明大學護理學院助理教授 (2011/2/1-2017/1/31)

○ 陽明大學護理學院講師 (2002/3/17-2011/1/31)

○ 台北榮民總醫院護理部個管師 (2001/3/1-2002/3/17)

○ 台北榮民總醫院護理部護理師 (2000/8/1-2002/3/17)

○ 台北榮總護理部護理師 (1997/7/20-1998/8/1)


○ 104 學務處優良導師

○ 102 教務處-教師發展中心101學年度教學傑出教師

○ 99 財團法人沈力揚教授醫學教育獎學紀念基金會 紀念沈力揚教授講師級研究與進修獎助-研究成果

○ 98 財團法人沈力揚教授醫學教育獎學紀念基金會 紀念沈力揚教授講師級研究與進修獎助-研究計畫

○ 98 教師發展中心教學優良教師獎

○ 97 財團法人沈力揚教授醫學教育獎學紀念基金會 紀念沈力揚教授講師級研究與進修獎助-研究成果


慢性病照護 (Chronic disease care)

社區護理 (Community health nursing)

持續性照護 (Continuity care)

健康促進 (Health promotion)

Research interest

1. 慢性病照護 Chronic disease care

2. 社區護理 Community health nursing

3. 持續性照護 Continuity care

4. 健康促進 Health promotion

Books (or research publications)

○ 期刊發表(使用數據:JCR edition 2015 )

  1. Chen,Y.C., Weng, S. C., Liu, J. S., Chuang, H. L., Hsu, C. C., & Tarng, D. C.. Severe Decline of Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Associates with Progressive Cognitive Deterioration in the Elderly: A Community-Based Cohort Study. Scientific Reports 2017; (SCI). (Impact factor: 5.228;Rank: 10.32%)第一作者
  2. Chen,Y.C.,Tsai, J. C., Liou, Y.M., & Chan, Paul. Effectiveness of endurance exercise training in patients with coronary artery disease: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2016; (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.491;Rank: 2.16%)第一作者
  3. Chang, L. C., Chen, Y. C.Wu, F. L., & Liao, L. L.. Exploring health literacy competencies toward health education program for healthcare professionals: A Delphi study. BMJ Open 2016; 6: 1-10 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.562;Rank: 20.32%)第二作者
  4. Weng, S. C., Tarng, D. C., Chen, Y. C. & Wu, M. J. on behalf of the CKDBHPDH investigators. Febuxostat is superior to traditional urate-lowering agents in reducing the progression of kidney function in chronic kidney disease patients. Cogent Medicine 2016; 3: 1-13 (OI). 第三作者
  5. 陳俞琪*、張博論. 應用健康資訊科技於慢性腎臟病持續性照護之契機與反思. 護理雜誌 2016; 63(2):12-18 (TSSCI). 第一及通訊作者
  6. 廖軒伶、陳俞琪*. 初期慢性腎臟病患之健康促進. 台灣腎臟護理學會雜誌。 2016. 11(2):29-33 (OI).通訊作者
  7. Hu, Y. N., Chung, Y. J., Yu, H. K., Chen, Y. C., Tsai, C. T., & Hu, G. C.. Effect of Tai Chi Exercise on Fall Prevention in Older Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. International Journal of Gerontology 2016; 10(3):131-136 (SCI). (Impact factor: 0.463;Rank: 96.94%)第四作者
  8. Weng, S. C., Chen, Y.C., Chen, C. Y., Cheng, Y. Y., & Tang, Y. J. Application of qualitative response models in a relevance study of older adults’ health depreciation and medical care demand. Geriatrics & Gerontology International 2016. (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.229;Rank: 26.56%)第二作者
  9. Li, I. C.,  Lee, S.Y. D.,  Chen, C. Y. Jeng, Y.Q., & Chen, Y. C*. Facilitators and Barriers to Effective Smoking Cessation Counselling Services for Inpatients from Nurse-Counsellors’ Perspectives: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2014; 11(5):4782-4798. (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.035;Rank: 44.67%) 通訊作者
  10. Cheng, S. J.,  Yu, H. K., Chen, Y. C., Chen, C. Y., Lien, W. C.,Yang, P. Y., & Hu, G. C. Physical Activity and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Among Older Adults. International Journal of Gerontology 2013; 7:113-136 (SCI). (Impact factor: 0.463;Rank: 96.94%)第三作者
  11. Hsu, T.W., Liu, J. S., Hung, S. C., Kuo, K. L., Chang, Y. K.., Chen, Y. C.,  Hsu, C. C., & Tarng.D. C. Renoprotective Effect of Renin-Angiotensin System Blockade in patients with Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease, Hypertensionm, and Anemia.; JAMA Internal Medicine, 174(3): 347354: (SCI). (Impact factor: 17.333;Rank: 3.90%)第四或以後作者
  12. 陳俞琪*. 慢性腎臟病患者照護之充能. 台灣腎臟護理學會雜誌 。2012; 11(2):29-33 (OI). 單一作者
  13. Li, I. C., Chen, Y.C., Shu, L.L., Lin, C.H., Chrisman, N. J. The effects of an educational training workshop for community leaders on self-efficacy of program planning skills and partnerships.JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING 2012; 68(3):600-613 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.917;Rank:7.46%)第二作者
  14. Chen, Y C., Wu, H. P., Hwang, S. J., & Li, I. C.. Exploring the Components of Metabolic Syndrome with Respect to Gender Difference and its Relationship to Health-promoting lifestyle behaviour: A Study in Taiwanese Urban Communities Journal of Clinical Nursing. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING 2010; 19:3031-3041 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.384;Rank: 26.75%)第一作者
  15. Chen Y. C. & Li I. C.. Effectiveness of interventions using empowerment concept for patients with chronic disease: a systematic review. JBI Library of Systematic Reviews 2009; 7(27):1177-1232(OI). 第一作者
  16. Chen, Y. C., Pai, J. S., & Li, I. C. Haemodialysis: the effects of using the empowerment concept during the development of a mutual-support group in Taiwan. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING 2008; 17(5A):133-142 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.384; Rank: 26.75%)第一作者
  17. Li, I. C., Chen, Y. C., & Kuo, H. T.. The relationship between work empowerment and work stress perceived by nurses at long-term care facilities in Taipei City. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING 2008; 17(22):3050-3058 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.384; Rank: 26.75%)第二作者
  18. 李怡娟、陳俞琪、吳慧群. 賦權/充能式的社區發展過程-以台北市某社區為例。護理雜誌2006; 53(2):23-29 (OI). 第二作者
  19. 廖淑櫻、高麗雀、柯惠芳、陳俞琪*· 降低送檢檢體錯誤率之方案。護理雜誌 2005; 52(4):31-39 (DI). 通訊作者
  20. 李怡娟、吳麗瑜、張麗春、陳俞琪·充能式教育在長期照護機構的應用-以安 養護機構中的外籍照顧服務員為對象 。 護理雜誌 2005; 52(2):23-29 (DI). 第四或以後作者
  21. Li, I. C., Chen, Y. C., & Kuo, H. T.. The health status and health promotion behavior of low-income elderly in Taipei area. The Journal of Nursing Research, 2005; 13(4):305-312 (DI). 第二作者
  22. 陳俞琪、李怡娟. 推動社區化 SARS 防治網絡工作模式。 護理雜誌· 2003; 50(3):23-28 (OI) 第一作者
  23. 陳怡如、陳俞琪、黃淑鶴. 新進護理人員壓力之成長經驗。 慈濟醫學· 2003; 15:391-398(OI). 第二作者
  24. 尹祚芊、張念慈、陳俞琪、巫菲翎. 以病患結果為考量的照護模式—整合式健康照護系統。 護理雜誌 2000; 47(2):33-41 (OI). 第三作者

○ 研討會發表

  1. Chen, Y. C., Chi, C. T., Liao, H. L., Wang, Y. J., Jiang, L. F., Lin, H. W., Exploring the relation and determinants of heath literacy and health promotion behaviors in patients with early stage chronic kidney disease,2016 9th international Council of Nursing (ICN) INP/APNN Conference, Hong Kong,2016
  2. Ho, Y. F.,  ChenY. C. Exploring the Determinations of Health Literacy and Self-Management in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, Sigma Theta Tau International’s 26th International Nursing Research Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico,2015
  3. ChenY. C., Chen, S. C., Chi, C. T., Ho, Y. F.,  Yu, H. C., Wang, L. H. Self-Management Experiences in Transition of Newly Diagnosed Chronic Kidney Disease Patients, Sigma Theta Tau International’s 26th International Nursing Research Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico,2015
  4. Chen, Y. C., Li, I. C., Effectiveness of case management incorporating empowerment concept to prolong chronic kidney disease progress.,2014 8th ICN INP/APNN Conference.,Helsinki,2014
  5. Chen, Y. C., Exploring the trajectory and determinants of self-management in patients newly diagnosed with chronic kidney disease.,2014 8th ICN INP/APNN Conference.,Helsinki,2014
  6. Chen, Y C. Hemodialysis: the effects of using the empowerment concept during the development of a mutual-support group, Congress of international Society for Hemodialysis, Shanghai, China,2014
  7. ChenY C. Exploring the trajectory and determinants of self-management in patients newly diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, Congress of International Society for Hemodialysis, Shanghai, China,2014
  8. ChenY. C. The Empowerment Experiences in the Transition of the Patients Newly Diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease: A Taiwan Perspective, STTI’s 24th International Nursing Research Congress,Prague,2013
  9. Chen. Y. C., & Li, I. C., Lai, C. K., Jeng, Y. Q., Tsai, T. I., & Chen, C. Y, Exploring the Determinants of Client Satisfaction under Community-Based Tobacco-Cessation Service Program, American Public Health Association 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco,2012
  10. Chen, Y. C. & Li, I. C, The Effects of Case Management Incorporating Empowerment Concept to prolong the Chronic Kidney disease progress. Sigma Theta Tau International’s 23rd International Nursing Research Congress,Brisbane,2012
  11. Chen. C.Y., & Li, I. C., & Chen, Y. C, Comparing the Effects of Different Smoking Cessation Counseling Interventions for Inpatients: A Systematic Review, Sigma Theta Tau International’s 23rd International Nursing Research Congress,Brisbane,2012
  12. Chen. Y. C., & Li, I. C, Effective Case Management Incorporating the Empowerment Concept in Chronic Kidney Disease Care, American Public Health Association 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco,2012
  13. Li, I. C., & Chen, Y. C., Jeng, Y. Q., Tsai, T. I., & Chen, C. Y, Empowering volunteers to perform smoking-cessation service with a workshop training program using participatory action research, American Public Health Association 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco,2012
  14. Li, I. C., & Chen, Y. C, Building capacity of community leaders through program planning training workshop: An example of Tamsui Healthy City in Taipei. American Public Health Association 138th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Denver, Colorado,2010
  15. Chen, Y. C., & Li, I. C., The relationship between risk factors of metabolic syndrome and health promoting lifestyle among middle-aged population in Taipei, Taiwan,18th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice, Vienna, Austria,2007
  16. Chen, Y. C., & Li, I. C., The Outcomes of Constructing a Community-Based Prevention Network: An Example of SARS,17th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.,2006
  17. Hsu, M. C., Chen, Y. C*., & Lao, Y. C., The effectiveness of mutual-help group in hemodialysis patients. Confirmation ICN 2005 Conference, Taipei Taiwan, 2005.
  18. Chen, Y. C., & Li, I. C, An Action Research in Constructing a Community-based SARS Prevention Network Model., Confirmation ICN 2005 Conference, Taipei Taiwan, 2005.
  19. Liao, S. Y., Kao, L. C., Ko, H. F., & Chen, Y. C*, A Project to Reduce the Mistaken Rate in collecting Specimens, Confirmation ICN 2005 Conference, Taipei Taiwan, 2005.
  20. 徐媚娟、陳俞琪、廖彥琦, 長期互助團體對血液透析病患整體適應之成效探討,台灣護理學會「第二十次護理研究論文發表會」,台灣台北, 2003. 
  21. Chen, Y. C., Li, I. C., Pai, J. S, A study on empowerment outcomes of a mutual-help group for patients with hemodialysis in OPD.(poster),Confirmation ICN 2003 Conference, Geneva, Switzerland. 2003. 
  22. 邱台生、陳秋梅、李文貞、陳俞琪, 某醫學中心護理人員專科進階課程需求與滿意度探討, 第十九次論文發表會•台灣護理學會,台灣台北,2002