● Office:醫學二館212室
● Office Hour:星期二13:30-15:00
● Contact number:(02) 2826-7379
● Fax telephone:(02) 2820-2837
● E-mail:mingweilin@nycu.edu.tw
● For more info, click here
● Education
○ Ph.D. in Psychiatric Genetics, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, UK
(英國倫敦大學 精神醫學研究院精神遺傳學哲學博士)
○ 台灣大學 公共衛生碩士
○ 台灣大學 公共衛生學士
● Experience
○ 台北榮民總醫院教學研究部博士後研究員
○ 國家衛生研究院/臺大醫院精神科博士後研究學者
○ Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, UK
○ 台灣大學流行病學研究所助教
● Professional Specialty
● Research interest
● Books (or research publications) Updated in July 2021
○ Publications in PubMed

● Featured publications (select 5 articles)
- Ming-Wei Lin*, Ding-Dar Lee*, Tze-Tze Liu, Yong-Feng Lin,Shang-Yi Chen, Chih-Cheng Huang, Hui-Ying Weng, Yu-Fen Liu, Akio Tanaka, Ken Arita, Joey Lai-Cheong, Francis Palisson, Yun-Ting Chang, Chu-Kwan Wong, Isao Matsuura, John A McGrath, and Shih-Feng Tsai*. (2010) Novel IL31RA gene mutation and ancestral OSMR mutant allele in familial primary cutaneous amyloidosis. European Journal of Human Genetics 18: 26-32. (Corresponding author) (SCI)
- Ying-Ying Yang, Han-Chieh Lin, Wei-Ping Lee, Chi-Jen Chu, Ming-Wei Lin*, Fa-Yauh Lee, Ming-Chih Hou, Tjin-Shing Tap, and Shou-Dong Lee (2010) Association of the G-protein and a2-adrenergic receptor gene and plasma norepinephrine level with clonidine improvement of the effects of diuretics in patients with cirrhosis with refractory ascites: a randomised clinical trial GUT 59: 1545-1553. (Co-Corresponding author) (SCI)
- Ming-Wei Lin, Mei-Feng Huang, Meng-Hsing Wu (2014) Association of Gly972Arg variant of insulin receptor subtrate1 and Gly1057Asp variant of insulin receptor subtrate-2 with polycystic ovary syndrome in the Chinese population. Journal of Ovarian Research 2014 Oct 14;7(1):92. (SCI)
- Lin-Chien Lee, Cheng-Hao Tu, Li-Fen Chen, Horng-Der Shen, Hsiang-Tai Chao, Ming-Wei Lin, Jen-Chuen Hsieh. (2014)
Association of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Gene Val66Met Polymorphism with Primary Dysmenorrhea. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 10;9(11):e112766. (Co-Corresponding author) (SCI) - Hui-Yin Hsiung, Fann, Jean Ching-Yuan, Amy Ming-Fang Yen, Sam Li-Sheng Chen, Sherry Yueh-Hsia Chiu, Tsung-Ho Ku, Tzeng-Ying Liu, Hsiu-Hsi Chen, Ming-Wei Lin (2016) Stagespecific Dietary Factors Associated with the Correa Multistep and Multifactorial Process of Human Gastric Carcinogenesis.
Nutrition and Cancer: An International Journal 68(4):598-610. (Co-Corresponding author) (SCI)
● Featured advisee thesis
- 肝硬化腹水病人藥物反應之基因學研究
- 探討馬祖地區 KLOTHO 基因多型性與高血壓之相關性:長期追蹤研究
- 探討數量性狀的長期資料與基因多型性之關聯
- 尼古丁乙醯膽鹼受體次單元基因變異與戒菸藥物成效之相關性研究
- 以孟德爾隨機分派探討血脂異常與心血管疾病的關係