Professor Chyong-Mei Chen


● For more info, click here

● Education

2000.9-2004.6 Ph.D., Graduate Institute of Epidemiology, National Taiwan University
1996.9-1999.6 M.A., Institute of Statistics, National Tsing Hua University
1992.9-1996.6 B.S., Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University

● Experience

2020.8-迄今 陽明大學公共衛生研究所教授
2016.8-2020.7 陽明大學公共衛生研究所副教授
2013.8-2016.7 靜宜大學統計資訊學系副教授
2008.8-2013.7 靜宜大學統計資訊學系助理教授
2004.8-2008.7 靜宜大學應用數學系助理教授
1999.8-2000.7 私立興國高中數學科教師

● Professional Specialty

Survival analysis, Biostatistical analysis, Clinical research, machine learning and data science

Featured Publications

  1. T.-F.C. Lu, C.-M. Hsu, K.-H. Shu, S.-C. Weng and C.-M. Chen*. 2016. Joint analysis of longitudinal data and competing terminal events in the presence of dependent observation times with application to chronic kidney disease. Journal of Applied Statistics. 43, 2922–2940.
  2. Yen-Hung Yao, Chyong-Mei Chen, Yiing-Jenq Chou and Nicole Huang. 2021. Impact of time-varying center volume on technique failure and mortality in peritoneal dialysis. Peritoneal Dialysis International. 41, 569–577.
  3. Shuo-Chun Weng, Chyong-Mei Chen, Yu-Chi Chen, Ming-Ju Wu and Der-Cherng Tarng. 2021. Trajectory of Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate and Malnourishment Predict Mortality and Kidney Failure in Older Adults With Chronic Kidney Disease. Frontiers in Medicine. 8:760391.
  4. Yi-Kai Fu, Hsueng-Mei Liu, Li-Hsuan Lee, Ying-Ju Chen, Sheng-Hsuan Chien, Jeong-Shi Lin, Wen-Chun Chen, Ming-Hsuan Cheng, Po-Heng Lin, Jheng-You Lai, Chyong-Mei Chen* and Chun-Yu Liu*. 2021. The TVGH-NYCU Thal-Classifier: Development of a Machine-Learning Classifier for Differentiating Thalassemia and Non-Thalassemia Patients. Diagnostics. 11, 1725.
  5. Chyong-Mei Chen*, Pao-sheng Shen, Chih-Ching Lin, Chih-Cheng Wu. 2020. Semiparametric mixture cure model analysis with competing risks data: application to vascular access thrombosis data. Statistics in Medicine 39, 4086–4099
  6. Chyong-Mei Chen*, Shuo-ChunWeng, Jia-Ren Tsai, Pao-sheng Shen. 2023. The mean residual life model for the right-censored data in the presence of covariate measurement errors. Statistics in Medicine. 42: 2557-2572.
  7. Chyong-Mei Chen, Hsin-Jen Chen, Paul Yingwei Peng*. 2023. Mean residual life cure models for right-censored data with and without length-biased sampling. Biometrical Journal. 65:2100368. (DOI: 10.1002/bimj.202100368)*means the corresponding author.

Featured advisee thesis

  1. 轉換混合治癒模型在區間設限資料之半母數分析
  2. 相依區間設限資料之半參數迴歸模型的最大概似估計
  3. 長期追蹤資料與區間設限時間在聯合模型之下的統計分析
  4. 在集群左截切資料下的多變量存活分析
  5. 流行病學中競爭風險資料在左截切及區間設限下之常用方法比較