Associate Professor Hsuan-Ying Huang

Associate Professor Hsuan-Ying Huang

● Contact number:02-28267000#67221


● For more info, click here

● Education

美國哈佛大學 社會人類學博士
國立台灣大學 醫學系醫學士

● Experience

桃園療養院住院醫師 (2003-2004)
台大醫院精神科住院醫師 (2004-2006)
澳洲國立大學中華全球研究中心博士後研究員 (2013-2015)
香港中文大學人類學系助理教授 (2015-2022)

● Professional Specialty


● Featured publications (select 5 articles)

  1. 2022   Huang, Hsuan-Ying. “End of an Era or a Moment of Reshuffling: Fragmentation of Entry-Level Training in China’s Psycho-Boom,” History of Psychiatry
  2. 2020   Huang, Hauan-Ying and Douglas Kirsner. “The History of Psychoanalysis in China.” Psychoanalytic Inquiry 40(1): 1-13.
  3. 2018   Huang, Hsuan-Ying. “Untamed Jianghu or Emerging Profession: Diagnosing the Psycho-Boom amid China’s Mental Health Legislation.” Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 42 (2): 371-400.
  4. 2017   Huang, Hsuan-Ying. “Therapy Made Easy: E-Commerce and Infrastructure in China’s Psycho-Boom.” China Perspectives (2017/4): 29-38.
  5. 2015   Huang, Hsuan-Ying. “From Psychotherapy to Psycho-Boom: A Historical Overview of Psychotherapy in China.” Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in China 1 (1):1-30.
  6. 2014    Huang, Hsuan-Ying. “The Emergence of the Psycho-Boom in Contemporary Urban China.” In Psychiatry and Chinese History, edited by Howard Chiang, 183-204. London: Pickering & Chatto.


  1. 與假肢生活:中國的殘障、身體與照護(汪春春,香港中文大學人類學博士)
  2. Risk and Responsibility in Cervical Cancer Prevention: Women’s Health in China Today (Wu Yuehan, PhD in Gender Studies/Anthropology, CUHK)