[Notice] MPH Biomedical Statistics and SPSS Application Promotion Education Course Early bird discount is available!!! Welcome to sign up!!! 


時間:113年9月14日起每週六下午13:30-16:30 (連續假日及補班日除外)



Course content:

Data processing and SPSS introduction, descriptive statistics, t test, matching t test, variance data analysis, chi-square test, McNemar's test, correlation, simple and multiple regression analysis

09/1413:30-16:30Introduction to Data Processing and SPSS3Ming-Wei Lin
09/2113:30-16:30Descriptive statistics3Ming-Wei Lin
09/2813:30-16:30Continuous data analysis: t test, paired t test, analysis of variance3Ming-Wei Lin
10/1213:30-16:30Group Case Report (I)3Ming-Wei Lin
10/1913:30-16:30Categorical Data Analysis: Chi-Square Test
McNemar's test, correlation, simple and multiple regression analysis
3Ming-Wei Lin
10/2613:30-16:30Group Case Report (II)3Ming-Wei Lin

Course target: biomedical statistics SPSS software application (those interested in biomedical and health data analysis)
Number of credits: 1 credit (can be credited for elective courses of the Master of Public Health degree program of the school) Venue: Room 402, Library and Information Communication Building , Yang Ming Campus

More details:https://cec.nycu.edu.tw/Course/CourseInfo?CId=62126

Admissions Information Session for Master of Public Health Program

  • 時間:113年09月06日(五)中午 12:15 ~ 13:15
  • 地點:Cisco Webex 線上
  • 主持人:莊宜芳副教授 (學程主任)
  • 參加對象:歡迎有興趣了解公共衛生碩士學位學程的各界人士參加
  • 報名網址:https://forms.gle/5F2U9p84swbjmiuW6 (線上連結將於報名後另以電郵方式通知)
  • 報名時間:即日起~113年09月02日(一)中午12:00前
12:15-12:50莊宜芳主任介紹MPH學程 (35 mins)
12:50-13:00邀請MPH的學長姊分享經驗 (10 mins)
13:00-13:15Q & A (15 mins)

congratulation to student Ching-Hsun Liu of MPHreceived the Outstanding Service Contribution Award from National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University

本學程二年級學生 劉憬勲同學 於去年即開始積極參與世界衛生大會青年團的全球衛生外交高峰會,連續兩年飛往日內瓦參加國際交流,踴躍邀請同儕一同參加國際交流,分鼓勵同儕參加臺灣公衛學生聯合會與世界公共衛生學會聯盟(WFPHA)合作舉辦「全球公衛週」年度計畫,為推廣本校公共衛生研究出一份力。學生積極參與公共事務值得表揚!

Congratulations to Kao, Yu-Chien, a graduate of this program, for participating in the 16th TSC Thesis Award in 2023 and winning the Dissertation Excellence Award in the Biotechnology and Medical Industry category.

The Chongyue Thesis Award is currently the largest master's and doctoral thesis competition in the country and is known as the "Oscars of Management".
高郁茜 master’s thesis in this program passed three rigorous written and oral report reviews. It stood out among 1,071 papers from 77 universities and won the recognition of excellence.
The winning topic is "The impact of multi-disciplinary teams on potentially inappropriate medication use in patients with advanced cancer at the end of life".

Congratulations to 高郁茜! Congratulations to the instructors Assistant Professor 陳韵宜 and Professor 林寬佳!

Biomedical statistics SPSS software application - application deadline: 03/03

Course content:

Data processing and SPSS introduction, descriptive statistics, t test, matching t test, variance data analysis, chi-square test, McNemar's test, correlation, simple and multiple regression analysis

3/413:30-16:30Introduction to Data Processing and SPSS3Ming-Wei Lin
3/1113:30-16:30Descriptive statistics3Ming-Wei Lin
3/1813:30-16:30Continuous data analysis: t test, paired t test, analysis of variance3Ming-Wei Lin
4/813:30-16:30Group Case Report (I)3Ming-Wei Lin
4/1513:30-16:30Categorical Data Analysis: Chi-Square Test
McNemar's test, correlation, simple and multiple regression analysis
3Ming-Wei Lin
4/2213:30-16:30Group Case Report (II)3Ming-Wei Lin
Course target: biomedical statistics SPSS software application (those interested in biomedical and health data analysis)
Number of credits: 1 credit (can be credited for elective courses of the Master of Public Health degree program of the school) Venue: Room 402, Library and Information Communication Building , Yang Ming Campus

※Students who are interested in taking MPH promotional education courses are welcome to apply again next year!

More details:https://cec.nycu.edu.tw/Course/CourseInfo?CId=21097