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● 學歷
○ 國立台灣大學 環境工程學研究所博士
● 經歷
○ 環境與職業衛生研究所 教授
○ 台北榮民總醫院 人因工程顧問
○ 經濟部工業局 審查委員
○ 國際學術期刊審查人 Reviewer
– International Journal of the Physical Sciences , Indoor Air , Environmental Science & Technology .
○ 中央研究院博士後研究員
● 專長領域
環境工程、室內空氣品質、生物性危害、作業環境控制、生物氣膠學、 氣膠技術學
● 研究方向與興趣
● 著作(或研究發表)
○ 代表著作
- Kuo-Pin Yu*, Grace Whei-May Lee, Ching-Pei Hsieh, Shihao Yang. Using ozone air cleaner to remove indoor volatile organic compounds. INDOOR AIR 2005;15:S170 (SCI).(Impact factor: 2.55;Rank: 5.36%)
- Kuo-Pin Yu, Grace Whei-May Lee*, Wei-Ming Huang, Chihcheng Wu, Shihao Yang. The correlation between photocatalytic oxidation performance and chemical/physical properties of indoor volatile organic compounds. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT 2006;40:375-385 (SCI).(Impact factor: 3.465;Rank: 12.20%)
- Kuo-Pin Yu, Grace Whei-May Lee*. Decomposition of gas-phase toluene by the combination of ozone and photocatalytic oxidation process (TiO2/UV, TiO2/UV/O3, and UV/O3). APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL 2007;75:29-38 (SCI).(Impact factor: 5.625;Rank: 4.44%)
- Kuo-Pin Yu, Grace Whei-May Lee*, Szu-Ying Lin, Chien Ping Huang. Removal of bioaerosols by the combination of a photocatalytic filter and negative air ions. JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE 2008;79:377-392 (SCI).(Impact factor: 2.447;Rank: 18.80%)
- Kuo-Pin Yu, Wen-Yueh Yu, Ming-Chih Kuo, Yuh-Cherng Liou, Shu-Hua Chien*. Pt/titania-nanotube: a potential catalyst for CO2 adsorption and hydrogenation. APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL 2008;84:112-118 (SCI).(Impact factor: 5.625;Rank: 4.44%)
- Kuo-Pin Yu, Grace Whei-May Lee*, Guo-Hao Huang. The effect of ozone on the removal effectiveness of photocatalysis on indoor gaseous biogenic volatile organic compound. JOURNAL OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 2010;60:820-829 (SCI).(Impact factor: 1.517;Rank: 53.17%)
- Kuo-Pin Yu*, Whei-May Lee, Ching-Pei Hsieh, Chi-Chi Lin,. Evaluation of ozone generation and indoor organic compounds removal by air cleaners based on chamber tests. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT 2011;45:35-42 (SCI).(Impact factor: 3.465;Rank: 12.20%)
- Kuo-Pin Yu*, Chi-Chi Lin, Shang-Chun Yang, Ping Zhao. Enhancement effect of relative humidity on the formation and regional respiratory deposition of secondary organic aerosol. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 2011;191:94-102 (SCI).(Impact factor: 4.173;Rank: 0.85%)
- Kuo-Pin Yu*. Enhancement of the Deposition of Ultrafine Secondary Organic Aerosols by the Negative Air Ion and the Effect of Relative Humidity. JOURNAL OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 2012;62(11):1296-1304 (SCI).(Impact factor: 1.517;Rank: 53.17%)
- Kuo-Pin Yu*, Yi-Ting Huang, Shang-Chun Yang. The Antifungal Efficacy of Nano-Metals Supported TiO2 and Ozone on the Resistant Aspergillus niger Spore. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 2013;261:155-162 (SCI).(Impact factor: 4.173;Rank: 0.85%)
- Yu-Fang Huang, Pei-Wei Wang, Li-Wei Huang, Meng-Han Lin, Winnie Yang, Hsin-Chang Chen, Kuo-Pin Yu, Mei-Lien Chen. Interactive effects of nonylphenol and bisphenol A exposure with oxidative stress on fetal reproductive indices. Environmental Research 2018; 167:567-574 (SCI).
- Yen-Chi Chen, Kuo-Pin Yu, Wen-Cheng Shao, Chao-heng Tseng, Wen-Chi Pan. Novel Mold-Resistant Building Materials Impregnated with Thermally Reduced Nano-Silver. Indoor Air 2018; 28(2): (SCI).
- Yen-Chi Chen, Chun-Hsing Liao, Wan-Tien Shen, Chien Su, Yu-Chiao Wu, Ming-hsuan Tsai, Shui-Shu Hsiao, Kuo-Pin Yu, Chao-heng Tseng. Effective disinfection of airborne microbial contamination in hospital wards using a zero-valent nano-silver/TiO2-chitosan composite. Indoor Air 2019; 29(3):439-449 (SCI).
- *Yu KP, Lee YC, Chen YC, Gong JY, and Tsai MH. (2019). Evaluation of PM1, PM2.5, and PM10 exposure and the resultant health risk of preschool children and their caregivers. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 54(10):961-971.
- Yu KP, Wang YJ, Chen YC, Wu YC, Bai CH, and Hsu JC. (2019). Effects of collection media, sampling flow rate and sampling time on the recovery of airborne viruses collected by a modified liquid impinger. Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery, 32(3):A29-30.
- Yu KP, Wang IJ, Chang IF, Su C, Shen WT, Bai CH. (2019). Application of nano-silver/ chitosan composite sterilization material for the removal of viral aerosols. Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery, 32(3):A28.
- *Yu KP, Chen YC, Miao YJ, Siregar S, Tsai YW, Lee WMG. (2020). Effects of oil drops and the charcoal’s proximate composition on the air pollution emitted from charcoal barbecues. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Epub ahead of print, April 24.