● 辦 公 室:守仁樓三樓 R327-1 室
● 聯絡電話:(02) 2826-7155
● E-mail:dr.wu.taiwan@gmail.com
● 學歷
○ 臺大 醫學博士
○ 哈佛大學 法學碩士暨公共衛生碩士
● 現職
○ 國立陽明交通大學生物醫學資訊研究所教授兼所長
○ 國立陽明交通大學醫學院執行副院長
○ 臺北榮民總醫院轉譯研究科主任
● 經歷
○ 國立陽明交通大學醫學院副院長
○ 科技部公共衛生與社會醫學部召集人
○ 國立陽明交通大學生物醫學資訊研究所所長
● 學術獎項與榮譽
○ 2018年 醫療典範獎 (Medical Model Award, 2018)
○ 2016年 國家新創獎 (National Innovation Award, 2016)
○ 2015年 傑出研究獎 (Outstanding Research Award, 2015)
○ 2015年 亞太新興領袖獎 (Asia Pacific Emerging Leadership Lecturer, 2015)
○ 2013年 國立陽明大學 教學績優琉璃獎座 (Best Teaching Lectureship Glass Award, NYMU, 2013)
○ Advances in Digestive Medicine主編 (Editor-in-Chief)
○ Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology副主編 (Associate Editor)
○ Gut編輯委員 (Editor)
● 研究興趣
● 著作(或研究發表)
○ 代表著作
- Wu CY*, Chen YJ, Ho HJ, Hsu YC, Kuo KN, Wu MS, Lin JT. Association between nucleoside analogues and risk of hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma following liver resection. JAMA 2012 Nov 12, 308(18): 1906-13 (SCI, IF 47.661, 3/154)
- Wu CY*, Wu MS, Kuo KN, Chen YJ, Wang CB, Lin JT. Effective reduction of gastric cancer risk with regular use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in Helicobacter pylori-infected patients. J Clin Oncol 2010 Jun; 28(18): 2952-7. (SCI, IF 26.303, 4/222)
- Lee TY, Hsu YC, Tseng HC, Yu SH, Lin JT, Wu MS, Wu CY*. Association of daily aspirin therapy with reduced risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis B. JAMA Intern Med 2019 Mar 18, Epub ahead of print.
- Yeo YH, Ho HJ, Yang HI…, Wu CY*, Nguyen MH. The HBsAg seroclearance rate and predictors in adults with chronic hepatitis B: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Gastroenterology 2019 Feb; 156(3): 635-46.
- Wu CY*, Lin JT , Ho HJ, Su CW, Lee TY, Wang SY, Wu C, Wu JC. Association of nucleos(t)ide analogues therapy with reduced risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis B: a nationwide cohort study. Gastroenterology 2014 Jul; 147(1): 143-51.e5 (SCI, IF 20.773, 1/80)
- Wu CY*, Chan FK, Wu MS, Kuo KN, Wang CB, Tsao CR, Lin JT. Histamine-2-receptor antagonists are an alternative to proton pump inhibitor in patients receiving clopidogrel. Gastroenterology 2010 Oct; 139(4): 1165-71 (SCI, IF 20.773, 1/80)
- Wu CY*, Kuo KN, Wu MS, Chen YJ, Wang CB, Lin JT. Early Helicobacter pylori eradication decreases risk of gastric cancer in patients with peptic ulcer disease. Gastroenterology 2009 Nov; 137(5):1641-8 (SCI, IF 20.773, 1/80)
- Hsu YC, Yip TCF, Ho HJ, Wong VWS, Huang YT, El-Serag HB, Lee TY, Wu MS, Lin JT, Wong GLH, Wu CY*. Predicting hepatocellular carcinoma with population-wide data in previously untreated Asians on antivirals for chronic hepatitis B. J Hepatol 2018 Aug; 69(2): 278-85 (SCI, IF 14.911, 4/80).
- Yeo YH, Shiu SI, Ho HJ, Zou B, Lin JT, Wu MS, Liou JM, Wu CY*. First-line Helicobacter pylori eradication therapies in countries with high and low clarithromycin resistance: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Gut 2018 Jan; 67(1): 20-7 (SCI, IF 17.016, 2/80)
- Wu CY*, Hsu YC, Ho HJ, Chen YJ, Lee TY, Lin JT. Association between ultrasonography screening and mortality in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: a nationwide cohort study. Gut 2016 Apr; 65(4): 693-701 (SCI, IF 17.016, 2/80)
- Hsu YC, Ho HJ, Huang YT, Wang HH, Wu MS, Lin JT, Wu CY*. Association between antiviral therapy and extrahepatic outcomes in patients with hepatitis C virus infection. Gut 2015 Mar; 64(3): 495-503 (SCI, IF 17.016, 2/80)
- Chen HP, Shieh JJ, Chang CC, Chen TT, Lin JT, Wu MS, Lin JH, Wu CY*. Metformin decreases hepatocellular carcinoma risk in a dose-dependent manner: population-based and in vitro studies. Gut 2013 Apr; 62(4): 606-15 (SCI, IF 17.016, 2/80)
- Wu CY*, Wu MS, Kuo KN, Wang CB, Chen YJ, Lin JT. Long term peptic ulcer rebleeding risk estimation in patients undergoing haemodialysis: a 10-year nationwide cohort study. Gut 2011 Aug; 60(8): 1038-42 (SCI, IF 17.016, 2/80)
- Wu CY*, Wu MS, Chiang EP, Wu CC, Chen YJ, Chen CJ, Chi NH, Chen GH, Lin JT. Elevated plasma osteopontin associated with gastric cancer development, invasion and survival. Gut 2007 Jun;56(6):782-9 (SCI, IF 17.016, 2/80)
- Lee TY, Lin JT, Zeng YS, Chen YJ, Wu MS, Wu CY*. Association between nucleos(t)ide analogues and tumor recurrence in hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma following radiofrequency ablation. Hepatology 2016 May; 63(5): 1517-27 (SCI, IF 14.079, 5/80)
- Hsu YC, Lin JT, Ho HJ, Kao YH, Huang YT, Hsiao NW, Wu MS, Liu YY, Wu CY*. Antiviral treatment for hepatitis C virus infection is associated with improved renal and cardiovascular outcomes in diabetic patients. Hepatology 2014 Apr; 59(4):1293-302 (SCI, IF 14.079, 5/80)
- Hsu YC, Ho HJ, Wu MS, Lin JT, Wu CY*. Postoperative peg-interferon plus ribavirin associated with reduced recurrence of hepatitis C virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology 2013 Jul; 58(1): 150-7 (SCI, IF 14.079, 5/80)
- Hsu YC, Lin JT, Chen TT, Wu MS, Wu CY*. Long-term risk of recurrent peptic ulcer bleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis: a 10-year nationwide cohort study. Hepatology 2012 Aug 56(2): 698-705 (SCI, IF 14.079, 5/80)