林寬佳 教授


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● 英文版主頁 連結


荷蘭自由大學 健康科學中心訪問學者

國立陽明大學 公共衛生博士


○ 振興醫院醫管副院長(迄今)

○ 振興醫院醫務副院長

○ 振興醫院資安長


○ 國立陽明大學醫學院執行副院長

○ 國立陽明大學醫學院醫務管理所專任教授

○ 國立陽明大學醫學院醫務管理所所長





o   統計數量分析

o   健康風險監測與管理

o   社區醫學


○ 代表著作

1. Wang RH, Lin KC*, Hsu HC, Lee YJ, Shin SJ (2018, Oct).Determinants for quality of life trajectory patterns in patients with type 2 diabetes. Qual Life Res. 2018 Oct 1(SCI).

2. Huang HC, Chen MY, Hsieh LW, Chiu HY, Miao NF, Wu CS, Lin KC* (2018, Sep/Oct). Validation of a Symptoms Distress Scale in a Cirrhotic Population Using Item Response Theory. Nurs Res. 67(5):359-368(SCI).

3. Wu WW, Lin KC*, Liang SY, Jou ST (2018, Mar). Using a Patient-Centered Approach to Identify Symptom Clusters Among Adolescents With Cancer. Cancer Nurs. Mar 30(SCI).

4. Huang HC, Lin KC*, Wu CS, Miao NF, Chen MY (2018, Jun). Health-promoting behaviors benefit the mental health of cirrhotic outpatients. Qual Life Res. 27(6):1521-1532(SCI).

5. Lee YH, Liao YC, Shun SC, Lin KC*, Liao WY, Chang PH, Jhang SY, Yu CJ, Yang PC, Hsieh PY, Lai YH(2018, Jun). Trajectories of caregiver burden and related factors in family caregivers of patients with lung cancer. Psychooncology. 27(6):1493-1500(SCI).

6. Hsu HT, Lin KC*, Wu LM, Juan CH, Hou MF, Hwang SL, Liu Y, Dodd MJ (2017, Jun). Symptom Cluster Trajectories During Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer Outpatients. J Pain Symptom Manage. 53(6):1017-1025(SCI).

7. Huang CF, Liu JC, Huang HC, Chuang SY, Chen CI, Lin KC* (2017, Feb). Longitudinal transition trajectory of gouty arthritis and its comorbidities: a population-based study. Rheumatology International. 37(2):313-322 (SCI).

8. Li YF, Lin SJ, Lin KC*, Chiang TL (2016, Jan). Growth References of Preschool Children Based on the Taiwan Birth Cohort Study and Compared to World Health Organization Growth Standards. Pediatrics and Neonatology. 57(1):53-59 (SCI).

9. Hsu HT, Lin KC*, Wu LM, Juan CH, Hou MF, Dodd MJ (2017, Jun). Symptom Cluster Trajectories During Chemotherapy In Breast Cancer Outpatients. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 53(6):1017-1025. : (SCI).

10. Tang ST, Chen JS, Chou WC, Lin KC*, Chang WC, Hsieh CH, Wu CE. (2016, Apr). Prevalence of severe depressive symptoms increases as death approaches and is associated with disease burden, tangible social support, and high self-perceived burden to others. Support Care Cancer. 24(1):83-91. (SCI).

○ PubMed之著作