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● 學歷
○ 美國Johns Hopkins Univ.
○ 美國Johns Hopkins Univ.
○ 台灣大學TWN 護理學系學士
● 經歷
○ 國立陽明大學社區健康照護研究所教授 (2015/8/1- )
○ 國立陽明大學社區健康照護研究所所長 (2018/8/1- )
○ 國立陽明大學國際衛生學程主任 (2014/8/1-2018/7/31)
○ 國立陽明大學臨床暨社區護理研究所教授 (2007/8/1-2014/7/31)
○ 國立陽明大學公共衛生研究所合聘教授 (2007/8/1- )
○ Journal of Nursing Research SCI 期刊 Editor (2014/8/1- )
○ BMC Health Services Research SCI 期刊 Associate Editor (2014/10/1- )
○ 國立陽明大學社區護理研究所副教授 (2004/8/1-2007/7/31)
○ 國立陽明大學社區護理研究所助理教授 (2001/8/1-2004/7/30)
○ 加拿大卑詩大學 Dept of Pediatrics and Center 副研究員 (2000/1/1-2001/6/30)
○ University of British Columbia For Community Health and Health Evaluation Research Post-doc (1998/5/1-1999/12/31)
● 學術獎項與榮譽
○ 108 國立陽明大學護理學院特聘教授
○ 108 國立陽明大學護理學院教師學術卓越獎勵
○ 106 國立陽明大學教師學術卓越獎勵
○ 104 國立陽明大學教師學術卓越獎勵
○ 103 教務處優良教師
○ 102 陽明大學教師學術卓越獎勵
○ 101 陽明大學優良導師
○ 100 國立陽明大學優良導師
○ 100 國科會國科會補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才
○ 99 國科會99年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才
○ 98 國立陽明大學教師學術卓越獎勵
○ 96 國立陽明大學教師學術卓越獎勵
● 專長領域
公共衛生(Public Health)、社區護理(Community Health Nursing)
● 研究興趣
婦幼衛生(Maternal and Child Health)、
健康促進(Health Promotion)、
社區護理(Community Health Nursing)、
補充及另類醫療(Complementary and Alternative Medicine)
● 研究計畫
- 2019 科技部計畫 探討台灣女性理想的妊娠體重增加量(1/3) 主持人 (2019/08/01~2022/07/31)
- 2018 科技部計畫 準備懷孕婦女的生殖健康和生育力及其影響因子之世代追蹤研究 主持人 (2018/08/01~2019/07/31)
- 2017 科技部計畫 初產婦孕產期間及其嬰兒18個月內體重變化之長期追蹤研究(3/3) 主持人 (2017/08/01~2018/07/31)
- 2017 衛福部計畫 印尼亞齊省Syiah Kuala University公共衛生合作計畫 主持人 (2017/01/01~2017/12/31)
- 2016 科技部計畫 發展孕產婦及兒童主要照顧者衛教指導成效評估 主持人
- (2016/05/01~2017/10/31)
- 2016 科技部計畫 初產婦孕產期間及其嬰兒18個月內體重變化之長期追蹤研究(2/3) 主持人 (2016/08/01~2018/07/31)
- 2016 衛福部計畫 印尼亞齊省Syiah Kuala University公共衛生合作計畫 主持人 (2016/01/01~2016/12/31)
- 2015 衛生署計畫 印尼亞齊省公共衛生合作先期計畫 主持人 (2015/02/01~2015/12/31)
- 2015 科技部計畫 初產婦孕產期間及其嬰兒18個月內體重變化之長期追蹤研究(1/3) 主持人 (2015/08/01~2018/07/31)
- 2014 科技部計畫 本國及新移民婦女孕期及產後憂鬱之世代追蹤研究(3/3) 主持人 (2014/08/01~2015/07/31)
- 2014 國健署計畫 注意力不足過動症(ADHD)篩檢之國際現況及趨勢回顧計畫 主持人 (2014/08/03~2014/12/03)
- 2013 國科會計畫 本國及新移民婦女孕期及產後憂鬱之世代追蹤研究(2/3) 主持人 (2013/08/01~2015/07/31)
- 2013 國健署計畫 護理人員壓力程度與接受子宮頸抹片檢查之相關性探討 主持人 (2013/09/05~2013/12/31)
- 2013 食藥署計畫 新住民藥物濫用認知、態度及行為調查 主持人 (2013/01/01~2013/12/31)
- 2012 國科會計畫 本國及新移民婦女孕期及產後憂鬱之世代追蹤研究(1/3) 主持人 (2012/08/01~2013/07/31)
- 2011 國科會計畫 影響初產婦採選擇性剖腹產之孕期心理因素及生產風險認知與決策(3/3) 主持人 (2011/08/01~2012/09/30)
- 2010 國科會計畫 影響初產婦採選擇性剖腹產之孕期心理因素及生產風險認知與決策(2/3) 主持人 (2010/08/01~2011/07/31)
- 2010 國科會計畫 影響初產婦採選擇性剖腹產之孕期心理因素及生產風險認知與決策(2/3) 主持人 (2010/08/01~2011/07/31)
- 2009 國科會計畫 影響初產婦採選擇性剖腹產之孕期心理因素及生產風險認知與決策(1/3) 主持人 (2009/08/01~2010/07/31)
- 2008 國科會計畫 外籍配偶的產後健康及新生兒發展(2/2) 主持人 (2008/08/01~2009/07/31)
- 2007 國科會計畫 外籍配偶的產後健康及新生兒發展(1/2) 主持人 (2007/08/01~2008/07/31)
- 2006 國科會計畫 預測剖腹產的社會, 文化, 及認知因子之長期追蹤研究: 第二年計劃 主持人 (2006/08/01~2007/07/31)
- 2006 衛生署計畫 氣喘病人之舌象表現 共同主持人 (2006/08/01~2007/12/31)
- 2005 國科會計畫 預測剖腹產的社會,文化,及認知因子之長期追蹤研究 主持人 (2005/08/01~2006/07/31)
- 2005 教育部計畫 推動中小學生健康體位五年計畫之子計劃 – 建立中小學生健康體型意識行為指標與落實計畫 主持人 (2005/05/25~2007/04/17)
- 2004 國科會計畫 成立接受新生兒加護醫療嬰兒之父母支持團體及成效評值 主持人 (2004/08/01~2005/07/30)
- 2003 衛生署計畫 影響母乳哺餵因子之世代追蹤研究 主持人 (2003/04/01~2004/03/31)
- 2003 國科會計畫 執行坐月子習俗對產後婦女身體健康問題及憂鬱的影響 主持人 (2003/08/01~2004/07/30)
- 2002 國科會計畫 曾接受過新生兒加護醫療的三歲幼兒及主要照顧者之生活品質研究 主持人(2002/08/01~2003/07/30)
- 2002 國科會計畫 比較在家中與做月子中心做月子婦女的產後疲倦 共同主持人 (2002/08/01~2003/07/30)
● 著作(或研究發表)
○ 期刊發表(使用數據:JCR edition 2017年)
1.Wu HJ, Tai CJ, Tai CJ, Chien LY. Symptom severity, symptom interference and use of complementary and alternative medicine among survivors of colorectal and breast cancer after curative treatment in Taiwan. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE 2019; 28(1):e12925. (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.409;Rank: 3.81%)第四作者以後(通訊)作者
2.Chiu SJ, Chou YT, Chen PT, Chien LY*. Psychometric properties of the Mandarin version of the Family Resilience Assessment Scale. Journal of Child and Family Studies 2019; 2019(28):354-369. (SSCI). (Impact factor: 1.588;Rank: 48.91%)第四作者以後(通訊)作者
3.Chu KH, Sheu SJ, Hsu MH, Liao J, Chien LY. Breastfeeding experiences of Taiwanese mothers of infants with breastfeeding or breast milk jaundice in certified baby-friendly hospitals. Asian Nursing Research 2019; 13(2):154-160. (SCI). (Impact factor: 0.918;Rank: 67.39%)第四作者以後(通訊)作者
4.Waits A, Tang YR, Cheng HM, Tai CJ, Chien LY. Acupressure effect on sleep quality: a systematic review and meta-analysis. SLEEP MEDICINE REVIEWS 2018; 37(2018):24-34 (SCI). (Impact factor: 10.602;Rank: 3.30%)第四作者以後(通訊)作者
5.Hsieh PL, Huang SM, Chien LY, Lee CF, Hsiung Y, Tai CJ. Risk-Benefit Perception of Pregnancy Among Breast Cancer Survivors. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE 2018; 27(2):e12696 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.409;Rank: 3.81%)第三作者作者
6.Lo WY, Chien LY, Hwang FM, Huang N, Chiou ST. From job stress to intention to leave among hospital nurses: A structural equation modeling approach. JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING 2018; 74(3):677-688. (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.267;Rank: 5.51%)第二作者作者
7.Chien LY. Message from the Editor. Journal of Nursing Research 2018; 26(1):1 (SCI). (Impact factor: 0.987;Rank: 63.91%)單一作者作者
8.Waits A, Guo CY, Chien LY. Evaluation of factors contributing to the decline in exclusive breastfeeding at six months postpartum: The 2011-2016 National Surveys in Taiwan. BIRTH-ISSUES IN PERINATAL CARE 2018; 45(2):184-192 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.329;Rank: 4.66%)第三作者(通訊)作者
9.Wen SY, Ko YL, Jou HJ, Chien LY. Sleep quality at 3 months postpartum considering maternal age: A comparative study. Women and Birth 2018; 31(6):e367-e373 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.822;Rank: 15.22%)第四作者以後(通訊)作者
10.Chen HH, Chien LY. Ethnic drinking culture, acculturation, and enculturation in relation to alcohol drinking behavior among marriage-based male immigrants in Taiwan. American Journal of Mens Health 2018; 12(5):1517-1529 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.306;Rank: 24.52%)第二作者(通訊)作者
11.Chu KH, Chen AC, Tai CJ, Chen SF, Chien LY. Development and Validation of the Self-Efficacy Regarding a Vaginal Birth Scale. JOGNN-JOURNAL OF OBSTETRIC GYNECOLOGIC AND NEONATAL NURSING 2017; 46(1):e13-e21 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.473;Rank: 29.13%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
12.Liu YC, Chen HH, Lee JF, Chu KH, Chien LY. Factors Associated with Drinking Behavior among Immigrant Women in Taiwan. SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE 2017; 52(5):674-682 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.132;Rank: 80.63%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
13.Chiu SJ, Chen PT, Chou YT, Chien LY. The Mandarin Chinese version of the Beach Centre Family Quality of Life Scale: Development and psychometric properties in Taiwanese families of children with developmental delay. JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY RESEARCH 2017; 61(4):373-384 (SSCI). (Impact factor: 2.026;Rank: 13.75%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
14.Li CT, Chu KH, Reiher B, Kienene T, Chien LY. Evaluation of Health-Related Quality of Life of Patients with Tuberculosis Who Completed Treatment in Kiribati. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL RESEARCH 2017; 45(2):610-620 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.023;Rank: 86.84%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
15.王佩琮、林湘玉、林意純、辛文蕙、簡莉盈、林小玲. 依適應症提示移除尿管可降低內科病房導尿管相關尿路感染. 護理雜誌 2017; 64(1):70-79 (OI). 第四作者以後作者
16.Chen HH, Lai JCY, Hwang SJ, Huang N, Chou YJ, Chien LY. Understanding the relationship between cesarean birth and stress, anxiety and depression after childbirth: A nationwide cohort study. BIRTH-ISSUES IN PERINATAL CARE 2017; 44(4):369-376 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.329;Rank: 4.66%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
17.Hsu YW, Liou TH, Liou YM, Chen HJ, Chien LY. Measurements and profiles of body weight misperceptions among Taiwanese teenagers: a national survey. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION 2016; 25(1):108-117 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.335;Rank: 78.92%)第四作者以後作者
18.Su SY, Chiou ST, Huang N, Huang CM, Chiang JH, Chien LY. Association between Pap smear screening and job stress in Taiwanese nurses. European Journal of Oncology Nursing 2016; 20:119-124 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.812;Rank: 16.09%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
19.Lee CF, Hwang FM, Lin HM, Chi LK, Chien LY. The physical activity patterns of pregnant Taiwanese women. The Journal of Nursing Research 2016; 24(4): 291-299(4):291-299 (SCI). 第四作者以後作者
20.Huang SM, Tseng LM, Chien LY, Tai CJ, Chen PH, Hung CT, Hsiung Y. Effects of non-sporting and sporting qigong on frailty and quality of life among breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. European Journal of Oncology Nursing 2016; 21:257-265 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.812;Rank: 16.09%)第三作者作者
21.Chen HH, Hwang FM, Lin LJ, Han KC, Lin CL, Chien LY. Depression and Social Support Trajectories During 1 Year Postpartum Among Marriage-Based Immigrant Mothers in Taiwan. ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRIC NURSING 2016; 30(3):350-355 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.133;Rank: 56.96%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
22.Juwara A, Huang N, Chien LY, Chen HJ. Stunting and weight statuses of adolescents differ between public and private schools in urban Gambia. International Journal of Public Health 2016; 61(6):717-26 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.617;Rank: 14.33%)第三作者作者
23.Wei CY, Chiou ST, Chien LY, Huang N. Workplace violence against nurses–prevalence and association with hospital organizational characteristics and health-promotion efforts: Cross-sectional study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES 2016; 56:63-70 (SCI). (Impact factor: 3.656;Rank: 0.42%)第三作者作者
24.Owili PO, Muga MA, Chou YJ, Hsu YH, Huang N, Chien LY. Associations in the continuum of care for maternal, newborn and child health: a population-based study of 12 sub-Saharan Africa countries. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 2016; 16:414 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.42;Rank: 34.53%)第四作者以後作者
25.Huang N, Chien LY, Chiou ST. Advances in health promotion in Asia-Pacific: promoting health through hospitals. Global Health Promotion 2016; 23(1 Suppl):26-34 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.179;Rank: 68.47%)第二作者作者
26.Owili PO, Muga MA, Chou YJ, Hsu YH, Huang N, Chien LY. Family Structure Types and Adequate Utilization of Antenatal Care in Kenya. Family & Community Health 2016; 39(3):188-198 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.365;Rank: 59.78%)第四作者以後作者
27.Owili PO, Muga MA, Chou YJ, Hsu YE, Huang N, Chien LY. Relationship between women’s characteristics and continuum of care for maternal health in Kenya: Complex survey analysis using structural equation modeling. Women & Health 2016; 57(8):942-961 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.307;Rank: 32.14%)第四作者以後作者
28.Weng SS, Lin CL, Tai CJ, Chien LY. Differences between Native and Immigrant Women in Taiwan in Factors Associated with Cesarean Section: A Prospective Observational Study. WOMEN & HEALTH 2016; 57(10):1178-1192 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.307;Rank: 32.14%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
29.Lo WY, Chiou ST, Huang N, Chien LY. Long work hours and chronic insomnia are associated with needlestick and sharps injuries among hospital nurses in Taiwan: A national survey. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES 2016; 64:130-136 (SCI). (Impact factor: 3.656;Rank: 0.42%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
30.Tsai YH, Chiou ST, Huang N, Chien LY, Chiang JH. Work Hours and Turnover Intention among Hospital Physicians in Taiwan: Does Income Matter?. BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH 2016; 16(1):667 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.843;Rank: 55.85%)第四作者以後作者
31.Chien LY, Lee YH, Lin YH, Tai CJ.. Women who conceived with infertility treatment were more likely to receive planned cesarean deliveries in Taiwan Human Fertility. Human Fertility 2015; 18(2):141-148 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.438;Rank: 78.66%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
32.Huang SM, Chien LY, Tai CJ, Chen PH, Lien PJ, Tai CJ. Effects of symptoms and complementary and alternative medicine use on the yang deficiency pattern among breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES IN MEDICINE 2015; 23(2):233-241 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.084;Rank: 31.48%)第二作者作者
33.Chu KH, Lee YH, Tai CJ, Lin YH, Huang CM, Chien LY. Caesarean delivery before 39 weeks associated with selecting an auspicious time for birth in Taiwan. Women and Birth 2015; 28(3):e52-e56 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.822;Rank: 15.22%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
34.Lee CC, Chiou ST, Chen LC, Chien LY. Breastfeeding-friendly environmental factors and continuing breastfeeding until 6 Months postpartum: 2008-2011 national surveys in Taiwan. BIRTH-ISSUES IN PERINATAL CARE 2015; 42(3):2008-2011 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.329;Rank: 4.66%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
35.Chung HW, Chien LY, Huang SM, Tai CJ, Tai CJ.. Changes in zheng and health-related quality of life in cancer patients before and after chemotherapy. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2015; 36(3):326-331 (SCI). (Impact factor: 0.857;Rank: 79.63%)第二作者作者
36.黃升苗、王功亮、戴承杰、簡莉盈、陳萍和、賴政延. 女性癌症病患的生殖保護與治療. 台灣醫學 2015; 19:413-420 (OI). 第四作者以後作者
37.Chen PH, Huang SM, Tai CJ, Chien LY, Lien PJ, Chen YH. Meditative qigong relieved symptom severity and interference among patients with breast carcinoma receiving chemotherapy. European Journal of Integrative Medicine 2015; 7(6):617-622 (SCI). (Impact factor: 0.698;Rank: 83.33%)第四作者以後作者
38.Liao TL, Chen YS, Chen CY, Chien LY. Self-reported Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviours among Junior High School Students at 2 and 4 Years after the 921 Earthquake in Taiwan. STRESS AND HEALTH 2014; 30(4):265-271 (SSCI). (Impact factor: 1.661;Rank: 51.83%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
39.Chiou ST, Chen LC, Yeh H, Wu SR, Chien LY. Early skin-to-skin contact, rooming-in, and breastfeeding: A comparison of the 2004 and 2011 national surveys in Taiwan. BIRTH-ISSUES IN PERINATAL CARE 2014; 41(1):33-38 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.329;Rank: 4.66%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
40.Yang HJ, Kao FU, Chou YJ, Huang N, Chang KY, Chien LY. Do nurses have worse pregnancy outcomes than non-nurses?. Birth-Issues in perinatal care 2014; 41(3):262-267 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.329;Rank: 4.66%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
41.Dlamini MS, Chien LY. Factors associated with Tuberculosis treatment outcomes in Manzini, Swaziland. Journal of International Cooperation 2014; 9(2):205-220 (SCI). 第一作者/通訊作者作者
42.Chiou ST, Chiang JH, Huang N, Chien LY. Health behaviors and participation in health promotion activities among hospital staff: Which occupational group performs better?. BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH 2014; 2014(14):474 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.843;Rank: 55.85%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
43.Huang SY, Sheu SJ, Tai CJ, Chiang CP, Chien LY.. Decision-making process for choosing an elective cesarean delivery among primiparas in Taiwan. MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH JOURNAL 2013; 17(5):842-851 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.821;Rank: 39.81%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
44.Huang CM, Wu HL, Huang SH, Chien LY, Guo JL.. Transtheoretical model-based passive smoking prevention programme among pregnant women and mothers of young children. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2013; 23(5):777-782 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.782;Rank: 12.42%)第四作者以後作者
45.Huang SM, Tai CJ, Lin KC, Tai CJ, Tseng LM, Chien LY.. A comparative study of symptoms and quality of life among patients with breast cancer receiving target, chemotherapy, or combined therapy. CANCER NURSING 2013; 36(4):317-325 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.844;Rank: 14.35%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
46.Huang SM, Chien LY, Tai CJ, Chiou CF, Chen SF, Tai CJ.. Effectiveness of three-week intervention of Shi Quan Da Bu Tang for alleviating hematotoxicity among patients with breast carcinoma receiving chemotherapy. INTEGRATIVE CANCER THERAPIES 2013; 12(2):136-144 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.657;Rank: 16.67%)第二作者作者
47.Huang HM, Chien LY, Yeh TC, Lee PH, Chang PC. Relationship between media viewing and obesity in school-aged children in Taipei, Taiwan. Journal of Nursing Research 2013; 21(3):195-203 (SCI). (Impact factor: 0.987;Rank: 63.91%)第二作者作者
48.Chiou ST, Chiang JH, Huang N, Wu CH, Chien LY. Health issues among nurses in Taiwanese hospitals: National survey. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES 2013; 50(2013):1377-1384 (SCI). (Impact factor: 3.656;Rank: 0.42%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
49.Huang SM, Chien LY, Tai CJ, Tseng LM, Chen PH, Tai CJ. Increases in Xu Zheng and Yu Zheng among patients with breast cancer receiving different anticancer drug therapies. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013; 2013:392024 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.064;Rank: 35.19%)第二作者作者
50.Chen HH, Huang FM, Wang KL, Chen CJ, Lai JCY, Chien LY. A structural model of the influence of immigrant mothers’ depressive symptoms and home environment on their children’s early developmental outcomes in Taiwan. RESEARCH IN NURSING & HEALTH 2013; 36(6):603-611 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.762;Rank: 19.57%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
51.Sessay C, Chien LY. Analysis of factors associated with failure to return for HIV test results in the Gambia. AJAR-African Journal of AIDS Research 2012; 11(2):83-89 (SCI). (Impact factor: 0.81;Rank: 87.58%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
52.Yeh MJ, Liou YM, Chien LY. Development and effectiveness of a school program on improving body image among elementary school students in Taiwan. JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING 2012; 68(2):434-443 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.267;Rank: 5.51%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
53.Chen CJ, Hsu CW, Chu YR, Han KC, Chien LY.. Developmental status and home environment among children born to immigrant women married to Taiwanese men. RESEARCH IN NURSING & HEALTH 2012; 35(2):121-131 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.762;Rank: 19.57%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
54.Chien LY, Tai CJ, Yeh MJ.. Domestic decision-making power, social support, and postpartum depression symptoms among immigrant and native women in Taiwan. NURSING RESEARCH 2012; 61(2):103-110 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.725;Rank: 20.43%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
55.Chen HH, Huang FM, Tai CJ, Chien LY.. The interrelationships among acculturation, social support, and postpartum depression symptoms among marriage-based immigrant women in Taiwan: A cohort study. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2012; 15(1):17-23 (SSCI). (Impact factor: 1.284;Rank: 64.01%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
56.Chen TL, Tai CJ, Wu TW, Chiang CP, Chien LY*. Postpartum cultural practices are negatively associated with depressive symptoms among Chinese and Vietnamese immigrant mothers married to Taiwanese men. WOMEN & HEALTH 2012; 52(6):536-552 (SSCI). (Impact factor: 1.307;Rank: 32.14%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
57.Huang CM, Chien LY, Cheng CF, Kuo JL. Integrating life skills into a theory-based drug-use prevention program: effectiveness among junior high students in Taiwan. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL HEALTH 2012; 82(7):328-335 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.935;Rank: 23.64%)第二作者作者
58.Liu ML, Chien LY, Tai CJ, Lin KC, Tai CJ. Effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine for liver protection and chemotherapy completion among cancer patients. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2011; 2011:291843 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.064;Rank: 35.19%)第二作者作者
59.Huang CM, Su CY, Chien LY, Guo JL. The effectiveness of an osteoporosis prevention program among women in Taiwan. Applied Nursing Research 2011; 24(4):e29-37 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.136;Rank: 55.22%)第三作者作者
60.Chen TL, Tai CJ, Chu YR, Han KC, Lin KC, Chien LY. Cultural factors and social support related to breastfeeding among immigrant mothers in Taipei city, Taiwan. JOURNAL OF HUMAN LACTATION 2011; 27(1):41-48 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.836;Rank: 15.68%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
61.Lee CF, Huang FM, Liou YM, Chien LY.. A preliminary study on the pattern of weight change from pregnancy to six months postpartum: A latent growth model approach. International Journal of Obesity 2011; 35(8):1079-1086 (SCI). (Impact factor: 5.159;Rank: 11.45%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
62.Huang SM, Chien LY, Chang CC, Chen PH, Tai CJ. Abnormal gastroscopy findings were related to lower meridian energy. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2011; 2011:878391 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.064;Rank: 35.19%)第二作者作者
63.Liou YM, Lee HL, Chien LY, Kao WY, Chiang CC, Wang DY (2011). Daily-life physical activity and related factors among patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy in Taiwan. Cancer Nursing 2011; 34(6):443-452 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.844;Rank: 14.35%)第三作者作者
64.Huang CM, Guo JL, Lin HL, Chien LY. Stage of adoption for preventive behavior against passive smoking among pregnant women and women with young children in Taiwan. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2011; 20(23):3331-3338 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.635;Rank: 25.65%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
65.李靜芳、簡莉盈. 進修部學生體型意識及其相關因子. 志為護理 2010; 9(2):83-96 (OI). 第二作者作者
66.Liu CH, Chao YH, Huang CM, Wei FC, Chien LY. Effectiveness of Applying Empowerment Strategies When Establishing a Support Group for Parents of Preterm Infants. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2010; 19(11-12):1729-1737 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.635;Rank: 25.65%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
67.Cheu KH, Tai CJ, Hsu CS, Yeh MJ, Chien LY. Women’s preference for cesarean delivery and differences between Taiwanese women undergoing different modes of delivery. BMC Health Services Research 2010; 10:138 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.843;Rank: 55.85%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
68.Chien LY, Liou YM, Chang P. Low defecation frequency in Taiwanese adolescents: association with dietary intake, physical activity, and sedentary behavior. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 2010; 47(6):381-386 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.449;Rank: 61.69%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
69.陳美惠、簡莉盈. 居家護理人員工作滿意度及相關因素之探討. 護理雜誌 2010; 57(2):39-48 (SCI). 第一作者/通訊作者作者
70.李靜芳、簡莉盈、連婉如、徐菊容. 台灣北部某技術學院大一男性體型意識及相關行為研究. 健康促進與衛生教育學報 2010; 33:1-20 (OI). 第二作者作者
71.Lee CF, Hwang FM, Chen CJ, Chien LY. The interrelationships among parenting stress and quality of life of the caregiver and preschool child with very low birthweight. Family and Community Health 2009; 32(3):228-237 (SSCI). (Impact factor: 1.365;Rank: 59.78%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
72.Daly M, Tai CJ, Deng CY, Chien LY. Factors Associated with Utilization of Traditional Chinese Medicine by White Collar Foreign Workers Living in Taiwan. BMC Health Services Research 2009; 9(1):10 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.843;Rank: 55.85%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
73.Chien LY, Tai CJ, Hwang FM, Huang CM. Postpartum Physical Symptoms and Depressive Symptomatology at One Month and One Year after Delivery: A Longitudinal Questionnaire Survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2009; 26 (9):1201-1208 (SCI). (Impact factor: 3.656;Rank: 0.42%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
74.Andrewin A & Chien LY. Stigmatization of HIV/AIDS patients among doctors and nurses in Belize. AIDS Patient Care and STDS 2008; 22(11):897-906 (SCI). (Impact factor: 4.041;Rank: 5.41%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
75.Liang HF, Chiang YC, Chien LY, Yeh CH (2006). .. A Comparison of emotional/behavioral problems between Taiwanese children with cancer and healthy controls. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2008; 17(3):304-311 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.635;Rank: 25.65%)第三作者作者
76.Lin SS, Chien LY, Tai CJ, Lee CF. Effectiveness of a prenatal education program on breastfeeding outcomes in Taiwan. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2008; 17(3):296-303 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.635;Rank: 25.65%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
77.Yang C, Chien LY, Tai CJ. Use of complementary and alternative medicine among patients with cancer receiving outpatient chemotherapy in Taiwan. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2008; 14(4):413-416 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.498;Rank: 57.41%)第二作者作者
78.Chien LY, Tai CJ, Chu KH, Ko YL, Chiu YC. The number of Baby Friendly Hospital Practices experienced by mothers is positively associated with breastfeeding: A questionnaire survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2007; 44(7):1138-1146 (SCI). (Impact factor: 3.656;Rank: 0.42%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
79.Chien LY & Tai CJ. Effect of delivery method and timing of breastfeeding initiation on breastfeeding outcomes in Taiwan. Birth-Issues in perinatal care 2007; 34(2):123-130 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.329;Rank: 4.66%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
80.劉影梅、陳美燕、蔣莉琦、簡莉盈、張博論、洪永泰。. 促進學生健康體位之全國性整合計劃經驗. 護理雜誌 2007; 54(5):30-36 (OI). 第四作者以後作者
81.Chiou YW, Tai CJ, Chien LY. Factors associated with treatment options among menopausal women in Taiwan. Maturitas 2006; 54:205-12 (SCI). (Impact factor: 3.315;Rank: 14.02%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
82.Chien LY, Chou YH, Ko YL, Lee CF. Health-related quality of life among 3 to 4 year old children born with very low birthweight. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2006; 56(1):9-16 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.267;Rank: 5.51%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
83.Chien LY, Tai CJ, Ko YL, Huang CH, Sheu SJ. Adherence to “Doing the Month” practices is associated with fewer physical and depressive symptoms among postpartum women in Taiwan. Research in Nursing & Health 2006; 29(5):374-383 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.762;Rank: 19.57%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
84.Tai CJ, Chang CP, Huang CY, Chien LY. Efficacy of Sanfujiu to treat allergies: Patient outcomes at 1 Year after treatment. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2006; 4(2):241-246 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.064;Rank: 35.19%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
85.楊君菁、李怡娟、洪德仁、簡莉盈. 社區團體參與社區防疫之需求與阻力調查. 實證護理 2006; 2:265-272 (OI). 第一作者/通訊作者作者
86.Peng YT, Yu KL, Chien LY*. Factors associated with antiretroviral drug use for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of human immunodeficiency virus in Malawi. Journal of International Cooperation 2006; 1:106-117 (OI). 第一作者/通訊作者作者
87Chao Yu YM, Tseng TC, Su CH, Chien LY. Appropriateness of hysterectomy in Taiwan . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 2005; 104:107-12 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.452;Rank: 26.77%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
88.Lee CF, Chien LY, Ko YL, Chou YH, Tai CJ, Liou YM. Development and psychometric properties of the Chinese Language Version of the TAPQOL: A health-related quality of life instrument for preschool children. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2005; 42:457-65 (SCI). (Impact factor: 3.656;Rank: 0.42%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
89.朱桂慧、戴承杰、簡莉盈. 住院期間母乳哺餵率與醫療機構因子的相關性。. 護理雜誌 2005; 52(6):40-8 (OI). 第一作者/通訊作者作者
90.陳純真、李怡娟、簡莉盈. 兒童發展篩檢測驗工具之探查. 護理雜誌 2005; 52(1):44-9 (OI). 第一作者/通訊作者作者
91.Chien LY, Chu KH, Tai CJ, Lin CY. National prevalence of breastfeeding in Taiwan. Journal of Human Lactation 2005; 21:338-44 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.836;Rank: 15.68%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
92.Tai CJ, Chien LY. The treatment of allergies using Sanfujiu, a method of applying Chinese herbal medicine paste to acupoints on three peak summer days (in press). American Journal of Chinese Medicine 2004; 32(6):966-76 (SCI). (Impact factor: 3.12;Rank: 9.26%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
93.Huang SM, Lee CH, Chien LY, Liu HE, Tai CJ. Postoperative quality of life among patients with thyroid cancer . Journal of Advanced Nursing 2004; 47(5):492-9 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.267;Rank: 5.51%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
94.李靜芳、簡莉盈、戈依莉、周怡宏. 兒童健康生活品質之概念與測量工具介紹。. 護理雜誌 2004; 51(2):73-8 (OI). 第一作者/通訊作者作者
95.Chien LY, Ko YL. Fatigue during pregnancy predicts caesarean deliveries . Journal of Advanced Nursing 2004; 45(5):487-94 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.267;Rank: 5.51%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
96.Chien LY, Liou YM, Chen JJ. Association between indices of obesity and fasting hyperglycemia in Taiwan . International Journal of Obesity 2004; 28(5):690-6 (SCI). (Impact factor: 5.159;Rank: 11.45%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
97.戴承杰、簡莉盈. 產前檢查的次數:周產期 前瞻性支付計劃之我見。 . 台灣醫界 2003; 46(5):34 -5 (OI). 第一作者/通訊作者作者
98.Chen CJ, Li IC, Chien LY. Developmental status among 3 to 5-year-old preschool children in three kindergartens in the Peitou District of Taipei City . The Journal of Nursing Research 2003; 11(2):73-81 (DI). 第一作者/通訊作者作者
99.Chien LY, Lo LH, Chen CJ, Chen YC, Chiang CC, Chao YM. Quality of life among primary caregivers of Taiwanese children with brain tumor . Cancer Nursing 2003; 26(4):305-11 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.844;Rank: 14.35%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
100.Chien LY, George MA, Armstrong RW.. Country of birth and language spoken at home in relation to illicit substance use . CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE SANTE PUBLIQUE 2002; 93(3):188-92 (SSCI). (Impact factor: 1.488;Rank: 54.46%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
101.Sankaran K, Chien LY, Walker R, Seshia M, Ohlsson A & Canadian Neonatal Network. Variations in mortality rates among Canadian neonatal intensive care units. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL 2002; 166(2):173-8 (SCI). (Impact factor: 6.818;Rank: 7.42%)第二作者作者
102.Chien LY, Whyte R, Thiessen P, Walker R, Brabyn D, Lee SK & The Canadian Neonatal Network. SNAP-II predicts severe intraventricular hemorrhage and chronic lung disease in the neonatal intensive care unit. Journal of Perinatology 2002; 22(1):26-30 (OI). (Impact factor: 2.183;Rank: 35.08%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
103.Chien LY, Ohlsson A, Seshia MMK, Boulton J, Sankaran K, Lee SK. Variations in antenatal corticosteroid therapy – a persistent problem despite 30 years of evidence . Obstetrics & Gynecology 2002; 99(3):401-8 (SCI). (Impact factor: 4.982;Rank: 5.49%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
104.Chien LY, McNab Y, Aziz K, Andrews W, McMillan DD, Lee SK & The Canadian Neonatal Network. Variations in central venous line related infection risks among Canadian Neonatal Intensive Care Units . Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2002; 21(6):505-11 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.305;Rank: 31.85%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
105.Chien LY, Whyte R, Aziz K, Thiessen P, Matthew D, Lee SK & Canadian Neonatal Network. Improved outcome of preterm infants when delivered in tertiary care centers. OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 2001; 98(2):247-52 (SCI). (Impact factor: 4.982;Rank: 5.49%)第一作者/通訊作者作者
106.Chan K, Ohlsson A, Synnes A, Lee DS, Chien LY, Lee SK & Canadian Neonatal Network. Survival, morbidity, and resource use of infants of 25 weeks’ gestational age or less. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 2001; 185(1):220-6 (SCI). (Impact factor: 5.732;Rank: 1.83%)第四作者以後作者
107.Synnes AR, Chien LY, Peliowski A, Baboolal R, Lee SK; Canadian NICU Network. Variations in intraventricular hemorrhage incidence rates among Canadian neonatal intensive care units. JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS 2001; 138(4):525-31 (SCI). (Impact factor: 3.667;Rank: 6.05%)第二作者作者
○ 專書發表
2017 簡莉盈,社區衛生護理學七版(陳靜敏總校閱) 第25章弱勢族群健康照護。華杏出版股份有限公司。
2017 簡莉盈、劉影梅 ,實證護理學導論(三版)。華杏出版股份有限公司。
2015 簡莉盈(尹祚芊總校定),新編社區衛生護理學。永大書局。
2014 簡莉盈,健康促進醫院理念與實務,第一章第五節健康促進醫院之成效評估。國民健康署。
2012 簡莉盈、劉影梅,實證護理學導論(二版)。華杏出版股份有限公司。
2007 簡莉盈、劉影梅,實證護理學導論。華杏出版股份有限公司。
○ 研討會發表
1.Chia-Ching Sun, Li-Yin Chien, Chun-Ting Hsiao, A longitudinal study on the relationship between physical activity and gestational weight gain,International Councel of Nurses 2018 : 20th International Conference on Nursing,London,2018
2.Wen-Yen LO, Li-Yin CHIEN, Shu-Ti CHIOU, Nicole HUANG., Do nurses working in health promoting hospitals have better health behaviors?,26th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services,Bologna,2018
3.Alexander Waits, Li-Yin Chien, Ying-Wei Wang., Body Mass Index, Gestational Weight Gain and Infant Birth Weight in Taiwanese primiparous women,26th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services,Bologna,2018
4.Michael Wei-Chih LIU, Li-Yin CHIEN, Maimun Syukri, Amanda Yufika., Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, Their Adherence Problems, and Related Factors. Living in Adherence to Dialysis – Actors Surrounding Hemodialysis Patients.,2018 International Society of Nephrology Frontier,Tokyo,2018
5.Li-Yin Chien, Tzu-Ling Chen, Chen-Jei Tai., Physical activity, sitting time, and duration of sleep during pregnancy and their associations with pregnancy outcomes: A cohort study.,2018 Sigma Theta Tau International 29th International Nursing Research Congress,Melbourne,2018
6.Tzu-Ling Chen, Li-Yin Chien, Factors associated with responsive feeding among infants 3 months old in Northern Taiwan,2018 The CRANAplus Annual Conference & International Conference for Rural and Remote Nurses & Midwives,Caines,2018
7.Li CT, Chien LY, Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Tuberculosis Who Completed Treatment in Kiribati,International Counsel of Nurses (ICN) Congress.,Barcelona,2017
8.Chen HH, Chien LY, Trajectory of depressive symptomatology from pregnancy to one year postpartum among immigrant women in Taiwan,International Counsel of Nurses (ICN) Congress,Barcelona,2017
9.Wen-Yen LO, Li-Yin Chein, Shu-Ti Chiou, Nicole Huang, The association between work-related health hazards and leaving intentions among hospital nurses in Taiwan,Sigma Theta Tau 44th Biennial Convention,Indianapolis,2017
10.Chuan-Chen Li, Li-Yin Chien, Factors Associated with Postpartum Depression among Women Who Conceived with Infertility Treatment,Sigma Theta Tau International 28th International Nursing Research Congress,Dublin,2017
11.Chiu, S. J., & Chien, L. Y., An exploration of family quality of life and related factors among families of children with developmental delay in Taiwan,34th International Scientific Meeting on Quality and Safety in Health Care,London,2017
12.Chen, H. H., Chien, L. Y., Lai, J. C. Y., Huang, N., Chou, Y. J., & Hwang, S. J. ., Cesarean section associates with higher risk of mental disorders after childbirth: A nationwide cohort study,East Asia Forum of Nursing Scholars,Chiba, Japan,2016
13.孫嘉璟,簡莉盈, 宜蘭縣自閉症群體健康體適能促進計畫,第八屆「智慧醫院與未來健康照護」國際研討會,宜蘭,2016
14.Wen, S. Y., Chien, L. Y., & Jou, H. J, A comparative study of sleep quality at three months ostpartum between women with and without advantaged age,East Asia Forum of Nursing Scholars,Chiba, Japan,2016
15.Kuei-Hui Chu, Li-Yin Chien, Ai-Chieh Chen, Chen-Jei Tai, Shu-Fen Chen, Development and validation of a scale measuring self- efficacy regarding a smooth labor during pregnancy among primigravidas in Taiwan,East Asia Forum of Nursing Scholars,Chiba, Japan,2016
16.Shu-Ju Chiu, Li-Yin Chien, Chao-Fong Ting, Development and psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the beach center family quality of life scale among families of Children with developmental delay in Taiwan,East Asia Forum of Nursing Scholars,Chiba, Japan,2016
17.Hui-Ju Yang, Li-Yin Chien, Shung-Tai Ho, What did nurse anesthetists do in Taiwan?,The 9th International Counsel of Nurses (ICN) International Nurse Practitioner (INP)/Advanced Practice Nursing Network (APNN) Conference,Hong Kong,2016
18.黃柔甄、黃麟傑、蔡維玉、黃沁榆、簡莉盈, 資源班學童的口腔健康與體位,第八屆「智慧醫院與未來健康照護」國際研討會,宜蘭,2016
19.Wen-Yen Lo, Shu-Ti Chiou, Li-Yin Chien, Associations of perceived noise nuisance with duration of sleep, depressive mood, and job stress among hospital nurses in Taiwan,The 24th International Health Promoting Hospital Conference,Connecticut, USA,2016
20.Shiang-Jiun Lin, Li-Yin Chien, Jian-Ho Haung, Shiao-Ying Jung, Creating a physically active community: Effectiveness of a community program in Fuxing Village, Beitou District, Taipei City,The 7th Global Conference of the Alliance for Healthy Cities,Wonju City, Republic of Korea,2016
21.Chen-Jei Tai, Mu-En Hsu, Li-Yin Chien, Sheng-Miau Huang., Heart rate variability and its’ association with symptom severity and symptom interference among cancer patients receiving oral anticancer drugs.,2015 Internal Council of Nursing Conference,Seoul,2015
22.Wen-Yen Lo, Li-Yin Chien, Fang-Ming Hwang, Shu-Ti Chiou, Nicole Huang., The association of weekly work hours and insomnia on needle sticks or sharps injuries among hospital nurses in Taiwan.,2015 Internal Council of Nursing Conference,Seoul,2015
23.Hung-Hui Chen, Li-Yin Chien, J. Cheng-Yen. Lai., Depression during pregnancy and delivery mode: a systematic review and meta-analysis.,2015 Internal Council of Nursing Conference,Seoul,2015
24.Li-Yin Chien, Hsiu-Ju Wu, Chen-Jei Tai, Post-curative treatment cancer survivors had lower psychological distrss than non-cancer counterparts,2015 International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care,Vancouver,2015
25.朱桂慧、簡莉盈、徐美華、廖金蓮, 新生兒黃疸對產後一個月母乳哺餵的影響。,台灣護理學會第31次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流,國立成功大學醫學院,2015
26.Li-Yin Chien, Hsiu-Ju Wu, Chen-Jei Tai, Post-curative treatment cancer survivors had lower psychological distrss than non-cancer counterparts.,International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care,Vancouver,2015
27.Kuei-Hui Chu, Li-Yin Chien, Ai-Chieh Chen, Mei-Hwa Hsu,, Effect of Self-Efficacy Regarding a Smooth Labor on Cesarean Deliveries Among Primiparas in Taiwan.,2014 Sigma Theta Tau International 25th International Nursing Research Congress,Hong Kong,2014
28.Kuei-Hui Chu, Yu-Hsiang Lee, Chen-Jei Tai, Yu-Hung Lin, Chiu-Mieh Huang, Li-Yin Chien, Factors associated with cesarean delivery before 39 weeks gestation in Taiwan,Taiwan Nurses Association Asian-Pacific Nursing Research Conference,台北,2014
29.Hui-Ju Yang, Li-Yin Chien, Feng-yu Kao, Yiing-Jenq Chou, Kuang-Yi Chang, Do Nurses Have Worse Pregnancy Outcomes?,2014 Sigma Theta Tau International 25th International Nursing Research Congress,Hong Kong,2014
30.Hung-Hui Chen, Li-Yin Chien, Fang-Ming Hwang., Depression and social support trajectories during 1 year postpartum among marriage-based immigrant mothers in Taiwan.,2014 Sigma Theta Tau International 25th International Nursing Research Congress,Hong Kong,2014
31.Wen-Yen Lo, Li-Yin Chien, Fang-Ming Hwang, Shu-Ti Chiou, Nicole Huang, Gender differences in the interrelationships among job stress, job satisfaction, and intention to leave among hospital nurses in Taiwan.,2014 Sigma Theta Tau International 25th International Nursing Research Congress,Hong Kong,2014
32.李佳蒨, 簡莉盈, 邱淑媞, 陳麗娟, 職場和公共場所哺乳室的設置與持續哺乳至產後4個月及6個月之相關性:2008至2011年台灣全國性調查.,護理學會論文發表 (第29次論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流),台中,2013
33.蘇香元, 簡莉盈, 邱淑媞, 黃心苑, 蔣仁槐., 護理人員壓力程度與接受子宮頸抹片之相關性探討.,護理學會論文發表 (第29次論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流),台中,2013
34.Chien, Li-Yin; Chiou, Shu-Ti; Chen, Li-Chuan; Wu, Shu-Ru., Early skin-to-skin contact, rooming-in, and breastfeeding: a comparison of 2004 and 2011 national survey in Taiwan,The 21st IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion,Pattaya,2013
35.Shu-Ti Chiou, Li-Yin Chien, Jen-Huai Chiang, Nicole Huang, Chih-Hsun Wu, Yen-Fang Chen., Health Behaviors among Hospital Staff: Are Health Personnel Doing Better?,The 21st IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion,Pattaya,2013
36.Shu-Ti Chiou, Li-Yin Chien, Jen-Huai Chiang, Nicole Huang, Chih-Hsun Wu, Yen-Fang Chen, Participation in Health Promoting Activities Provided by Hospitals: Does Professional Background Matter?,The 21st International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services,Gothenburg,2013
37.Shu-Ti Chiou, Nicole Huang, Jen-Huai Chiang, Li-Yin Chien, Chih-Hsun Wu, Yen-Fang Chen., Job Stress and Turnover Intention among Physicians: The Role of Gender and Organizational Support,The 21st International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services,Gothenburg,2013
38.Chen, HH, & Chien, LY, The interrelationships among acculturation, social support, and postpartum depression symptoms among marriage-based immigrant women in Taiwan: A cohort study,Sigma Theta Tau International 23rd International Nursing Research Congress,Brisbane,2012
39.Chu KH, Chien LY, Selection of auspicious time for delivery is associated with giving birth before 39 weeks of gestation among women receiving cesarean delivery in Taiwan,Sigma Theta Tau International 23rd International Nursing Research Congress,Brisbane,2012
40.Chen HH, Chien LY, Depressive symptomatology at one and six months postpartum among immigrant women in Taiwan,2011 The 14th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars,Seoul, Korea,2011
41.Wei FC, Chien LY, Use of complementary and alternative medicine in women with breast and gynaecologic cancer in Taiwan,2011 Internal Council of Nursing Conference,Malta,2011
42.朱桂慧、 簡莉盈。, 剖腹產婦女預先決定剖腹生產時間之相關因素探討,2011年護理學會論文發表 (第27次論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流),國立台北護理健康大學,2011
43.鍾雪文、黃升苗、簡莉盈。, 癌症病人接受化療前後的體質與健康生活品質改變之縱貫性研究。,2011年護理學會論文發表 (第27次論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流),國立台北護理健康大學,2011
44.陳愛捷、朱桂慧、 簡莉盈, 順產自我效能對初產婦孕期偏好剖腹產之影響,2011年護理學會論文發表 (第27次論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流),國立台北護理健康大學,2011
45.陳姿伶、 簡莉盈, 比較本國及新移民婦女產後三個月持續母乳哺餵的相關因素,2011年護理學會論文發表 (第27次論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流),國立台北護理健康大學,2011
46.Chien LY, Tai CJ, A comparative study on empowerment status and postpartum depression between immigrant and native women in Taipei city, Taiwan,International Nursing Research Congress/Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society of Nursing,Orlando, Florida, USA,2010
47.Huang SM, Chien LY, Tai CJ, Diabetes and Meridian Energy,International Nursing Research Congress/Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society of Nursing,Orlando, Florida, USA,2010
48.Chen CJ, Chien LY*, Depression among immigrant mothers in Taiwan is negatively associated with a development-stimulating home environment for their children,The 12th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars,Tokyo, Japan,2009
49.Lin CY, Chien LY, An exploration of social and cultural factors associated with planned method of delivery among pregnant women in Taiwan,Internal Council of Nursing Conference,Durban, South Africa,2009
50.Huang SM, Chien LY, Abnormal gastroscopy findings were related to lower meridian energy (oral presentation),Internal Council of Nursing Conference,Durban, South Africa,2009
51.Chen CJ, Chien LY, Developmental status and related factors among children born to mothers of foreign nationality in Taiwan,Internal Council of Nursing Conference,Durban, South Africa,2009
52.Wei FH, Chien LY*, Factors Associated with Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine Among Women with Breast and Gynecologic Cancer in Taiwan,International Nursing Research Congress/Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society of Nursing,Singapore,2008
53.蔡淑惠、葉玫江、陳姿伶、簡莉盈*, 臺中縣疑似發展遲緩兒童主要照顧者發展遲緩知識、態度與是否接受評估鑑定診斷之相關性研究,護理學會論文發表,台北,2008
54.陳姿伶、蔡淑惠、李郁真、簡莉盈*, 台北市新移民婦女母乳哺餵的相關因素探討,護理學會論文發表,台北,2008
55.李郁真、陳姿伶、葉玫江、簡莉盈*, 女性新移民產後文化照護與產後憂鬱之相關研究,護理學會論文發表,台北,2008
56.葉玫江、李郁真、劉影梅、簡莉盈*, 國小學童體型意識改善方案之發展與成效,護理學會論文發表,台北,2008
57.葉玫江、劉影梅、簡莉盈*, 台北市中學生體型意識之研究,護理學會論文發表,台北,2008
58.Chien LY, Stability and change in physical symptoms and depression at one month and at one year after delivery,International Nursing Research Congress/Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society of Nursing,Vienna, Austria,2007
59.Ching-Fang Lee, Li-Yin Chien*, The Interrelationships among Parenting Stress and Quality of Life of the Caregiver and Preschool Child with Very Low Birthweight,International Nursing Research Congress/Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society of Nursing,Vienna, Austria,2007
60.葉玫江, 劉影梅, 簡莉盈*, 台北市中學生體型意識之研究,縱貫性護理研究研討會,亞東技術學院,2007
61.簡莉盈, Change in Physical Symptoms and Related Factors between one month and one year after delivery,縱貫性護理研究研討會,亞東技術學院,2007
62.林佳儀、簡莉盈, 探討社會文化因子對孕婦在懷孕期間選擇生產方式的影響,護理學會論文發表 (第23次論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流),台中,2007
63.許慈恩、簡莉盈, 產後六個月體型滿意度相關因子之追蹤研究,護理學會論文發表 (第23次論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流),台中,2007
64.陳憶英、簡莉盈, 以前瞻性研究探討孕婦的孕產知識與態度對生產方式之影響,護理學會論文發表 (第23次論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流),台中,2007
65.陳依梅、簡莉盈, 產後婦女體重滯留相關因素研究。,2006年護理學會論文發表,台南,2006
66.李碧霞、簡莉盈, 台北市北投區都市原住民婦女健康促進生活型態之探討。,2006年護理學會論文發表,台南,2006
67.劉瓊華、簡莉盈, 運用充能策略成立早產兒父母親支持團體的成效探討。,2006年護理學會論文發表,台南,2006
68.簡莉盈, The effect of method of delivery and timing of breastfeeding initiation on breastfeeding outcomes in Taiwan,Health Service Research Center 會議,台北,2006
69.Chien LY, Lee CF, Quality of life among 3 to 4 year-old children with very low birthweight,International Nursing Research Congress/Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society of Nursing,Kona, USA,2005
70.Lee CF, Chien LY, Quality of life among primary caregivers of 3 to 4 year-old children with very low birthweight,International Nursing Research Congress/Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society of Nursing,Kona, USA,2005
71.Chien LY, Ko YL, Tai CJ, Huang CH, Adherence to the doing the month practices is associated with less severe physical symptoms and lower prevalence of depression among postpartum women in Taiwan,Internal Council of Nursing Conference,Taipei,2005
72.Lin SS, Lee CF, Chien LY, Effectiveness of a prenatal education program on breastfeeding outcomes in Taiwan,Internal Council of Nursing Conference,Taipei,2005
73.Chao YW, Yang CC, Chu KH, Chien LY, A correlational study on women’s climacteric symptoms, attitudes toward menopause and treatment options,Internal Council of Nursing Conference,Taipei,2005
74.Yang CC, Chu KH, Chau YM, Chien LY, Factors associated with intention to participate in community prevention of infectious disease among community organizations,Internal Council of Nursing Conference,Taipei,2005
75.楊君菁、邱亞雯、朱桂慧、簡莉盈, 社區團體參與社區防疫之需求與阻力,2005年護理學會論文發表,Taipei,2005
76.邱亞雯、朱桂慧、楊君菁、簡莉盈, 婦女更年期態度與治療選擇之相關性,2005年護理學會論文發表,Taipei,2005
77.朱桂慧、楊君菁、邱亞雯、簡莉盈, 台灣地區產後一個月時母乳哺餵之相關因素研究,2005年護理學會論文發表,Taipei,2005
78.Chu KH, Chao YM, Yang CC, Chien LY., Effects of institutional factors on initiation of breastfeeding during hospitalization in Taiwan. ,Internal Council of Nursing Conference,Taipei,2005
79.李靜芳、簡莉盈, 中文版學齡前期兒童健康生活品質量表之發展,2004年護理學會論文發表,台北,2004
80.簡莉盈、陳純真、江春菊, 腦瘤病童主要照顧者的生活品質研究,2003年護理學會論文發表,台北,2003
81.黃升苗、簡莉盈、李建賢、劉雪娥, 甲狀腺癌病患術後生活品質的研究,2003年護理學會論文發表,台北,2003
82.陳純真、簡莉盈、江春菊, 腦瘤病童使用另類療法的情形,2003年護理學會論文發表,台北,2003
83.Sheng-Miauh Huang, Li-Yin Chien, Chen-Shen Lee, Hsueh-Erh Liu., Quality of life among thyroid cancer patients after operation,The International Nursing Conference, May 4-6, 2002,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,2002
84.Chien LY, George A, Armstrong RW(2002), Country of birth and language spoken at home in relation to illicit substance use.,The 5th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars,Taipei.,2002
85.Aziz K, Andrews WL, Chien LY, McNab Y, McMillan DD, Lee SK & The Canadian Noenatal Network, Variaations in Central Venous Line(CVL)-Related Sepsis(CVI-RS) between 17 Neonatal Intensive Care Units(NICU) in Canada.,American Pediatric Society Conference,Baltimore, USA,2001
86.Chien LY, McNab Y, Aziz K, Newman C, McMillan DD, Lee SK & The Canadian Noenatal Network, Central Venous Catheter Related Nosocomial Blood Steam Infections in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,American Pediatric Society Conference,Baltimore, USA,2001
87.Peliowski A, McMillan DD, Newman C, Mathew D, Chien LY, Lee SK & The Canadian Noenatal Network, Comparison of Outcomes of ECMO Centers Versus Non-ECMO Centers.,American Pediatric Society Conference,Baltimore, USA,2001
88.Chien LY, Ohlsson A, Seshia M, Boulton J, Sankaran K, Lee SK & Canadian Neonatal Network, Variations in Antenatal Corticosteroid Treatment: A Persistent Problem 30 years later.,American Pediatric Society Conference,Baltimore, USA,2001
89.Lee SK, Chien LY, Zupancik JAF, Thiessen P, Walker R, Whyte R, Stewart S &The Canadian Noenatal Network, Physician Workload Affects Treatment Intensity in the NICU.,American Pediatric Society Conference,Baltimore, USA,2001
90.Newman C, McMillan DD, Ohlsson A, Boulton J, Chien LY, Lee SK & The Canadian Noenatal Network, Variations in Need for ROP Treatment-Real or Imagined?,American Pediatric Society Conference,Baltimore, USA,2001