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國立中央大學 環境工程博士
● 經歷
○ 國立陽明大學 環境與職業衛生研究所 助理教授(2011/2-至今)
○ 國科會 特約博士後研究學者 (2007/8-2011/2)
○ Institute of Geophysics, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam, Visited Research, (2010/2-2010/4)
○ 中央研究院 環境變遷研究中心 博士後研究 (2006/1-2007/7)
○ 國立中央大學 環境工程研究所 博士後研究 (2005/7-2005/10)
○ 國立中央大學 環境工程研究所博士 (2001-2005)
○ 國立中央大學 環境工程研究所碩士 (1999-2001)
○ 淡江大學 水資源暨環境工程系學士 (1996-1999)
● 學術榮譽
1. 『戴奧辛類化合物於污染源排放管道及大氣環境之氣固相分布特性』,【論文獲頒第二十一屆空污研討會優秀論文獎】(2004)。
2. 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會 中央大學分會評定為95年度榮譽會員(2006)。
3. “Effects of Asian Dust Storm Events on Ambient PCDD/F and PCB Concentrations in Northern Taiwan”, Oslo, Norway, 【DIOXIN 2006 Otto Hutzinger Student Award】(2006).
4. “Evaluation of Dioxin-like Pollutants in Ambient Air via Long Range Transport”,【論文榮獲2007 CAART Best Technical Paper Award】(2007).
5. 國防訓儲服役期間(2006/1~2010/1),代表中央研究院入選國防工業訓儲制度「97及98年度績優訓儲人員」(2008及2009)。
6. “Reduction of Dioxin Emission by Multi-Layer Fluidized Bed Reactor with Bead-Shaped Activated Carbon.”, 【本篇論文獲頒九十八年度中國工程師學會工程論文獎以及中華民國環境工程學會梁文傑教授紀念獎】(2009)。
● 專長領域
● 研究方向與興趣
毒性微量物質分析(Persistent Organic Pollutants)、
● 著作(或研究發表)
○ List of selected publications
1.Chi, K. H.*, Lin, T. Y., Ou Yang, C. H., Wang, J. L., Lin, N. H., Sheu, G. R. and Lee, C. T., PCDD/F Measurement at a High-altitude Station in Central Taiwan: Evaluation of Long-range Transport of PCDD/Fs during the Southeast Asia Biomass Burning Event. Environmental Science & Technology, 44, 2954-2960 (2010).
【SCI impact factor = 5.330 , ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES = 10th/221】
2.Hong, P. C., Chang, S. H., Chi, K. H. and Chang, M. B.*, Degradation of Gaseous Dioxin-like Compounds with Dielectric Barrier Discharges. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 182, 246-251 (2010).
【SCI impact factor = 4.529, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES = 13rd/221】
3.Chi, K. H.*, Hsu, S. C., Lin, T. Y., Kao, S. J. and Lee, T. Y., Deposition Fluxes of PCDD/Fs in a Reservoir System in Northern Taiwan. Chemosphere, 83, 745-752 (2011).
【SCI impact factor =3.340, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES = 39th/221】
4.Chi, K. H.*, Kao, S. J., Liu, K. T. and Lee, T. Y., Evaluation of Atmospheric PCDD/F Depositions via Automated and Traditional Water Surface Samplers in Taiwan. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(5), 2839-2846 (2012).
【SCI impact factor = 5.330 , ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES = 10th/221】
5.Chi, K. H.*, Luo, S., Kao, S. J. and Lee, T. Y., Sources and Deposition Fluxes of PCDD/Fs in a High-mountain Lake in Central Taiwan. Chemosphere, 91 150-156 (2013).
【SCI impact factor =3.340, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES = 39th/221】
6.Chi, K. H.*, Lin, T. Y., Wang, S. H., Lin, N. H., Sheu, G. R. and Lee, C. T., Evaluation of the Distributions of Ambient PCDD/Fs at Remote Locations in and around Taiwan. Atmospheric Environment, 78, 203-210 (2013).
【SCI impact factor =3.281, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES = 42nd/221】
7.Thuan, N. T., Chi, K. H.*, Wang, S. H., Chang, M. B., Lin, N. H., Sheu, G. R. and Peng, C. M., Atmospheric PCDD/F Measurement in Taiwan and Southeast Asia during Dongsha Experiment. Atmospheric Environment, 78, 195-202 (2013).
【SCI impact factor =3.281, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES = 42nd/221】
8.Chi, K. H.*, Lin, T. Y., Ou Yang, C. H., Hsu, S. C., Chen, Y. F., Luo, S., Kao, S. J., Evaluation of Environmental Fate and Sinks of PCDD/Fs during Specific Extreme Weather Events in Taiwan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 77, 268-280 (2013).
【SCI impact factor =2.741, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY = 35th/175】
9.Chi, K. H.,* Chou, C. C. K., Peng, C. M., Lin, C. Y., Chang, M. B. and Li, C. T., Increase of Ambient PCDD/F Concentrations in Northern Taiwan during Asian Dust Storm and Winter Monsoon Episodes. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 14, 1279-1291 (2014).
【SCI impact factor =2.094, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES = 93rd/221】
10.Chi, K. H.,* Luo S., Kao, S. J., Hsu, W. T. and Lee, T. Y., Sources and Deposition Fluxes of PCDD/Fs in the Largest Reservoir System in Taiwan before and after Typhoon Morakot. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 15, 1227-1239, (2015)
【SCI impact factor =2.094, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES = 93rd/221】
11.Ngo, T. H., Tsou, H. H., Chen, Y. F., Chen, Y. W. and Chi, K. H., Sources Identification of PCDD/Fs in Soil and Atmospheric Deposition in Taiwan. Chemosphere 2018; 208, 374-381.
12.Ngo, T. H., Hsu, W. T. and Chi, K. H., Evaluation of the Relative Health Risk Impact of Atmospheric PCDD/Fs in PM2.5 in Taiwan. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 2018;18, 2591-2599.
13.Trinh, M. M., Tsai, C. L., Hien, T. T., Thuan, N. T., Chi, K. H., Lien, C. G. and Chang, M. B., Atmospheric concentrations and gas-particle partitioning of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs around Hochiminh city. Chemosphere 2018; 202:246-254.
14.Lu CM, Dat ND, Lien, CK, Chi, K. H. and Chang MB. (2019). Characteristics of PM2.5 and PAHs emitted from coal combustion processes. Energy Fuels, 33(10): 10247-10254.
15.Dat ND, Chang KS, Wu CP, Chen YJ, Tsai CL, Chi, K. H. and Chang MB. (2019). Measurement of PCNs in sediments collected from reservoir and river in northern Taiwan. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 174:384-389.
16.Ngo TH, Tsai PC, Ueng YF and *Chi, K. H. (2019). Cytotoxicity assessment of PM2.5 collected from specific anthropogenic activities in Asian country. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(24):5043.
17.Hong WJ, Li YF, Li WL, Jia H, Minh, NH, Sinha R, Moon HB, Nakata H, Chi, K. H., Kannan K. (2020). Soil concentrations and soil-air exchange of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in five Asian countries. Science of the Total Environment,711:135-223.