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● E-mail:syhuang@nycu.edu.tw
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○ 美國約翰霍普金斯 衛生政策博士
○ 美國波士頓大學 公共衛生研究所碩士
○ 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞 生化系學士
● 經歷
○ 國立陽明大學醫學院國際副院長
○ 國立陽明大學醫學院醫務管理研究所專任教授
○ 國立陽明大學醫學院醫務管理研究所專任副教授
○ 國立陽明大學醫學院公共衛生學科暨研究所副教授
○ 國立陽明大學醫學院公共衛生學科暨研究所助理教授
○ 國立台灣師範大學衛生教育學系助理教授
● 專長領域
● 研究興趣
● Office Hour:
● 著作(或研究發表)
○ PubMed之著作

○ 代表著作
1. Huang, H.H., Chen, C.Y., Chou, Y.J., Huang, N. * , (2015). Cost-sharing Exemption Program for Mentally Ill Patients in Taiwan: Who Enrolls? Psychiatric Services. (SCI, SSCI)(accepted)
2. Liu, C.J., Chou, Y.J., Teng, C.J., Lin, C.C., Lee, Y.T., Hu, Y.W., Yeh, C.M., Chen, T.J., Huang, N. *, (2015) The Association of Surgeon Volume and Hospital Volume with the Outcome of Patients Receiving Definitive Surgery for Colorectal Cancer: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. Cancer. (SCI)(accepted)
3. Yeh, H.J., Chou, Y.J., Yang, N.Y., Huang, N.*, (2015) Receipt of physical therapy among osteoarthritis patients and its influencing factors. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. (SCI) (accepted)
4. Lee, M. C., & Huang, N. (2015). Changes in self‐perceived economic satisfaction and mortality at old ages: Evidence from a survey of middle‐aged and elderly adults in Taiwan. Social Science & Medicine. (SCI, SSCI)
5. Beogo, I., Liu, C.Y., Chou, Y.J., Chen, C.Y., Huang, N.* (2014) Health-Care-Seeking Patterns in the Emerging Private Sector in Burkina Faso: A Population-Based Study of Urban Adult Residents in Ouagadougou. PLoS One. 9(5):e97521. (SCI)
6. Chou, C.Y., Chou, Y.C., Chou, Y.J., Yang, Y.F., Huang, N.* (2014) Statin use and incident dementia: A nationwide cohort study of Taiwan. International Journal of Cardiology. 173:305-310. (SCI)
7. Huang, N.*, Chou, Y.J., Hu, H.Y., Lee, C.H. (2013) Gender Disparities in AMI Management and Outcomes among Health Professionals, their Relatives, and Non-Health Professionals in Taiwan from1997 to 2007. Social Science & Medicine. 77(1):70-74. (SCI) (SSCI) (NSC 98-2314-B-010-014-MY3; NSC 95-2314-B-010-058-MY3)
8. Jallow, I.K., Chou, Y.J., Liu, T.L., Huang, N.* (2012) Women’s perception of antenatal care services in public and private clinics in the Gambia. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 24(6):595-600. (SCI, SSCI)
9. Chang, Y.C., Chou, Y.J., Liu, J.Y., Yeh, T.F., Huang, N.* (2012) Additive Benefits of Pneumococcal and Influenza Vaccines among Elderly Persons Aged 75 Years or Older in Taiwan – A representative population-based comparative study. Journal of Infection. 65(3):231-238. (SCI) (NSC 100-2410-H-468-006)
10.Ilboudo, T.P., Chou, Y.J., Huang, N.* (2012) Compliance with referral for curative care in Rural Burkina Faso. Health Policy and Planning. 27(3): 256-264. (SCI, SSCI)